Imagine lyrics by John Lennon, 25 meanings. Imagine explained, official 2024 song lyrics |
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John Lennon – Imagine lyrics
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky

Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us

And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can

No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

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Songwriters: John Winston Lennon
Imagine lyrics © BUDDE MUSIC FRANCE, CONSALAD CO., Ltd., Downtown Music Publishing, O/B/O DistroKid

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  • l
    + 10
    Larry-June Gibbs
    A very creative and "imaginative" song. Imagination has power to motivate and inspire, but not to, in itself, change reality. If someone had the incredible power to build a Utopian society, would he need to force people into compliance, or maybe eliminate unbelievers? Then where's freedom? Problem unsolved. There is a real answer to the problems of war, oppression, cruelty, prejudice, greed. More thoughts at Cheers, friends.
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  • U
    + 9
    This song is sad to me. If Lennon didn't want a heaven above him, he most likely didn't believe in an afterlife. So for him, when he passed away, that would be the end of that. We would be disrespecting his dreams to suggest that he is "in a better place now", since he didn't seem to be concerned about eternal life. He seemed to be all about the moment, without consideration for the future. I would prefer to believe in a heaven above and the opportunity to reunite with my loved ones there after this earthly life is over.

    I get the appeal of everyone just getting along, and I believe we will have that. We just have to wait until the earthly part of our journey is over first. I wish John Lennon would have had that realization while he was alive. There is an appeal to this song, but it is lost due to his wish for no heaven, no hell, and no god. I love God, and not having someone to thank for an amazing rainfall or sunset is very sad to me. Life is better with God. The world wouldn't be free of problems if it was free of religion. It seems like a naive notion to me. Thanks to everyone for sharing their ideas here.
    1 reply
  • f
    + 9
    No heaven no hell - It's here and now. Living for today
    No countries (governments) no relegion. Nothing to kill or die for - we could actually live in peace
    No possesions no greed - no more keeping up with the Jones. We can help our fellow man, rather than put ourselves above them because of the how much we have.
    This is not communism. You need a government to take care of you.
    This is an ideal of people living with people and accepting all people as equals.
    Since we live our lives in our minds, this is all very do able. All we have to do is think it so.
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  • U
    + 8
    I love the melody, but I do not like the lyrics that promotes humanism rather than a belief in god and jesus christ. If people truly live for christ there is peace. It is human selfishness and jealousy that cause divisions and wars and history proves those wars have been provoked by those who are not christian. "imagine there's a heaven, it's easy if you try. For heaven is around us,above the open sky". I like that better.
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  • U
    + 4
    War is fought for peace? Do you know how condescending that sounds? War is fought over differences of opinions over varying degrees. Whether the opinion is territorial, material, or clerical. I think that is what Lennon was trying to get at. No one "owns" any piece of the Earth or any tangible thing. That is an illusion. And no one knows what the hell - forgive the pun - is going on behind the scenes when we talk about our beliefs in religion - no one. If we would all realize these things what would there be to fight over? Let's all share the world together, in harmony. Maintain your beliefs, but adopt the notion that you may be wrong, whichever side you are on. And that's okay, but it certainly doesn't mean that you are a better or lesser person that your neighbor. Give them the love they deserve and the love you have earned will follow.
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  • o
    + 3
    RECOGNIZING THEMES: ANCIENT RELIGIOUS BELIEFS OR DISBELIEFS, SUPPRESSION OF FREEDOM OF THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS, RACISM, AND GREEDY ACQUISITION OF RESOURCES HAVE INSTIGATED RHETORIC, HATRED, WARS, AND DEATHS OF MILLIONS. I think that John Lennon's ideal was to advise the world's inhabitants to stop lying to our children and everyone else, about primitive ignorance-bred stories and unproven beliefs in deities and an afterlife, no matter how socially acceptable it still is today. We are all brothers and sisters regardless of our beliefs, our color, our race, our intelligence, and our knowledge. To live in peace, we must recognize that we are a global community that has a need for physical resources (food, shelter, health, and education), and a sense of being safe in the world we live in. And we do not need anyone, any group, or any organization telling us what we should believe, or what decisions or choice we should make in life, except to recognize, that the environment of human and non-human life of all the planet's species have value. We do need governments, currently, that recognize the need to supply all its inhabitants of the physical resources and protect the environment of our planet from which we have been continuously evolving.
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  • U
    + 3
    If we all come together as "one" everything will be fun and who my dear is in charge of this oneness? It's like saying all the teams of the NFL should come together as one and not be versus each other anymore. Now for a minute, imagine if we had countries. It isn't hard to do. No need for the euros or bankers.
    Or one world religion too - that new religion being Consumerism.
    Imagine all the celebrities sharing all their wealth. If one of them dropped their wallets it would probably feed a country.
    So now "Imagine no possession" said the man with the mansion and a billion acres. By the way saint Lennon actually went around mocking people with down syndrome what an angel he is. I don't think he talked to his son Julian so much for his living life in peace.
    You cannot offer world peace when you have no peace at home.
    What did that guy who went to visit Lennon in his bed say? "You have done the world a marvelous deed by revealing your pubic hair". Ha could not have put it better myself. Politics and entertainment do not mix. This is the proof.
    1 reply
  • U
    + 3
    lies are best believed when you mix a little truth into them. Lennon's mixing of truth and non truth at first appearance gives some credence to his song imagine. -imagine there's no heaven". Those who believe that jesus is god are not burdened by him but liberated by him from worldly things. Jesus taught us to wipe the dust off our feet as evidence against those who would not believe the word of god â€" not to harm non-believers. Lennon suggests that religion is responsible for man's inhumane actions to his fellow man. Though this may be true of those with twisted concepts of their religion, it is not true of real christians. -imagine no possessions". You might as well imagine no food because enough of it does not spring from the earth without our cultivating it with machinery. You also might want to imagine no roof over your head or clothes on you back. I would prefer not to imagine a world impoverished by lack of basic human sustenance. To imagine there is no heaven is more than just a void of faith, it is a void of hope. Our good wishes will never change the hearts of men. Why would it. Only god can make this transformation and if you do not believe in him then you are without hope as well as without faith. Countries are not the cause of bloodshed; they are the result of bloodshed. Nation states are a relatively new invention in the history of man. The violence perpetrated goes beyond the existence of borders. It is the result of culture, fear and the lack of moral and spiritual guidance. Randy.
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  • U
    + 2
    Lennon's asking that everyone stop what they were doing and come together as one. No Heaven, nothing to be worried about getting into. No Hell, nothing to dread.

    "Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man
    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world..."

    I took this verse of the song for a special reason. No possessions, nothing to claim as yours and yours only. No need greed or hunger, no need for violence and fighting over possessions. A brotherhood of man, sharing all the world. That says it all right there. He thinks that it IS possible to be united, to be together, to serve for one cause, which obviously is a better world. Enjoy this song and let it bring tears to your eyes.
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  • U
    + 2
    Wendell bravo "what is worse is that they make much money in island ,but when they return to spain they curse the philippines and heap upon the worst possible insuilt. Eto pa ' " when the judges are corrupt, the employees are corrupt too, everyone in the government is corrupt" ,tapos , a silence suddenly fell upon us.everyone are busy thingking about the philippine under spain. " spain rediscovery of republic ", spain abolition of slavery, established of the corrupted system ah disease that our world is dying for. Welcome this our nation. On the game. For freedom. Where not slaves. Ah the government. Didn't do anything hear our suppering our problem, ask the malakangyang a better petition. Where just beast I the island, called ask indios or monkeys in the island without history without a past. Grow up slaves, overused. Work animals, this is our country for today, I urge my fellow filipino patriot to work and study about our country philippine instead of doing something and write and tell to the world what happen to philippine of spain of today. For those gambler is they are worthy or unworthy for liberty. Hehe. Okey dr. Jose rizal. Me today.
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  • U
    + 2
    Philippine history spice island dear fatherland east of eden mt of the philippine cetral religion, alchemy homes, dreamtime bible databse surrealist manifesto, rocking incarnation, revalation conspiracy. Philippine invasion under powerful ruler. America spain republican democrats invasion. Spanish colonial system all laws made in spain. System of abolition of slavery. Philippine american native indians, aztec empire spain dream empire in asia the world stated on new world order asia country on revolution revalation holy bible software the world made light and darkness. Dr. Jose rizal execution first beast slain as philippine patriot of the world of america sons of liberty blind us, makes us slaves indios, work our children grow up slaves, overused by labor of slavery. The world made. Jesuit bad, country on invasion on spirits of slain. World war 1. Spain first republic dic emilio aguinaldo to republic to america death of philippine heroes our filipino anscestors. Government freedom our economy our rights, our privilage, philippine under commonweath manuel quezon, roosevelt, mc duffie, jose P. Laurel, jones law, wood forbes mission, the world system is under established of the corrupted system. " raid " japan save philippine, philippine for filipino philippine liberation, victory, but birth and restore of republic of the philippines on post world war 1 and 2. Code of post second vatican second coming of jesus christ "political messiah original mission " vatican council ii. On philippine fatherland bushido raging impierno, philippine and the world accross 20th century war of giants. (2007 time for hope change our freedom rights of slaves to enter 2008,(2009, 2010, 2011, 2012) world war 3. World liberation. World wide revolution. End of slavery. New heaven new earth but armageddon end to 2015. To republicans and democrats party. Political messiah original mission world perfection. Barriers removes that enslave men. Vatican council ii. " urges to christian ". To new heaven new earth work to build it.
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  • U
    + 2
    In my opinion, the world J. Lennon mention in this song is the communist society. No government, no classes, equal and end of economic exploitation (so no wars), freedom in the high infrastructure, all are features of it. And maybe this idea is one of reasons for his death t_t. However, with our destruction in environment, I don't know whether we can reach this society before the world destroy.
    This song too wonderful!
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  • U
    + 2
    I believe that this song is saying that the main root to all war is different beliefs and religions. This is saying imagine if the world were just one, and if it was just simple, and if everybody agreed with one another (for the most part ;), and how the world would be a better place if we were just at peace with one another, instead of being 'at war' constantly.
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  • U
    + 1
    Also, the initial thoughts and ideas lead to an individual's ideal utopia, however because of the simple fact he has made this song, the current world is a dystopia. This meaning that he is imagining "nothing to kill or die for", "no religion", "no need for greed or hunger" because he sees all these as they are now and is singing about a world where there are none of these features - meaning they exist with dramatic effects.
    You may say he is a dreamer, and he is not the only one, because many people see this world as distraught, run down, dying, and want to revive it by creating an army of believers, hoping that one day you will join them - "and the world will live as one".
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  • U
    + 1
    Imagine loving everyone equally. Imagine having no boundaries to separate us. Imagine sharing our ideas and feelings without hate. Imagine everyone growing together equally without poverty. Imagine a world with all of these things to pass on to our children. And their children. And their children. Now that's something to work for. Something to live for. John lennon only wrote about love and generosity, he wanted to end violence and he used his celebrity to bring awareness to important and worthwhile causes that helped change the way we view each other and ourselves. He knew that with the voice of the people you can create change to the world. Use your voice to create change and help those in need. Are. I. P. John.
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  • U
    + 1
    I sang this song at unity church this last weekend. I explained that it is probably not a song one could sing at traditional christian church becuase everything is interpreted literally there. If you do likewise to this song then kinda silly to sing a song that says imagine no religion at a church. However the real meaning is imagine if we removed all the obstacles that divide us, including religion and nationism. We could live as one.
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  • SoulShouter
    + 1
    Interesting Chemical-lollipop.
    "Without no Heaven there is no hope"
    - This statement breathes emotion and no intellect. Whether there is hope or not is irrelevant for truth. Some people are strong enough to face life without imaginary friends - you might not be one of them though.
    "Without no Hell there is no discipline"
    - Discipline is a man-creation (just as your invisible friend) and can only be held by the living. That's also why we have created laws and rules. You do not need hell to create discipline.
    "I find it funny how Atheist hide behind the truth, because they are slothful and cowardly."
    - The greater the claims, the greater the evidence needed. You have provided no evidence for God, and no one has ever succeded in doing that before you either. And if something hasn't been proved, we tend not to believe in it. If I say there is an invisible dragon lying on the floor, you'd expect evidence for this creature. If I cannot provide them - we'd assume that I suffer from hallucinations, or that I am a liar. Religious people should give that a thought - because they are doing the same with their imaginary friend.
    As for cowardly - I'd say it's a lot more cowardly and weak to not be able to think for yourself and seek comfort in illusions.
    Perhaps you're not only an idiot, but a coward as well? Not bad for a 14 year old - your future looks bright.
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  • r
    + 1
    For me, this song speaks of no hope. Were I to imagine there was no heaven, then what would my life be like today? Full of depressed, discouraged, joyless days. I am grateful this world is not my home, and that there is more to this story. I thank God, for the blood of Jesus that cleansed me, and makes me whole. I thank God for His Great Faithfulness. The only way we can live in the way John Lennon described is in the new Kingdom, and I look forward to the day when His Kingdom will come. Until then I will continue to enjoy eternal life right here on earth by seeking His face, His will, His word, His way each and everyday. We must learn to embrace the Godhead (Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost) because they are real. Let the wash over you, rest in them and you will see just how life becomes worth living. For to live is Christ, and to die gain. Amen.
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  • U
    Imagining peace is lovely, but imagining that a finite life here on Earth is all there is to reality is not. Even quantum physics presents questions about our perception of reality, and suggests that One infinite, eternal Mind constitutes reality, and matter itself is just an illusion. I choose to think that John Lennon was pleasantly surprised to find that he did not cease to exist when that bullet tore through the physical body he thought was his identity. We may not know what the bigger picture is, but evidence that it is not what it appears to be is very compelling.
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  • U
    The song imagine by john lennon speaks of a world where there is a perfection of mankind who needs no god or religion or hell or heaven but just the happy & content brotherhood of man. Nothing to kill or die for, sharing the world, no greed or hunger. All I can say is that this kind of "imagine world" that john lennon was singing about should have been called"imagine me " because this wasn't the real world that lennon lived in being so rich & off of this song.
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  • U
    - 1
    Wendell bravo philippine freedon under heavy chains of slavery, blind by sons of liberty. Philippine history, philippine revolution, philippine invasion, philippine accross world war 1 and 2, 20th century war of giants, post war world 1 and 2. Birth and restore of republic of the philippines. "permanent mission of the republic to united nations", "raid by japan", anscestors homeland battle of freedom, children grow up slaves work and labor country under powerful ruler, philippine under republic of american spain republican democrats governors heneral. Philippine slavery. Dr. Jose rizal I political rebirth rocking dreamtime lord jesus christ, hope someday patriot that he who was someday that will surcease of sorrow and will give happy to unhappy fatherland filipino, filipina, in end of wars, fix economy, obama. Supercongress. You. N ban ki moon, system political messiah second coming system on world system. (the world on perfection new heaven new earth, new world), end of slavery. The world to activate know of the holy bible the world to activate to world perfection in since the world in creation by god. In its perfection of the world of the holy bible. Light and darkness. Game armageddon philippines corrupt, babel babilon, minion, another secret society vendetta the vatican code political messiah (misunderstood the original system of political messiah)pervasive presence of evil of the world, barriers that slaves men, existence of prejudice, injustice poverty, and war, argue dramatic manifestation dillussion of T. V. From world war 1 and 2. To world war 3 "shut off t.v. ,gma 7 ,abs cbn 2 ,minimise artist,making filipino indios monkeys in the island,ignoranse ,blind ,t.v,icon commercial, to urge to my fellow country instead of doing something happy ,write and fgight of today of country in freedom.ignoranse. Sa tagalog minamangmang ang sanlibutan ,pinapagpasasaan ng mga palalo in them rising sin city of world war database of the holy bible revalation conspiracy.and corrupted the earth. The great time will be come to wrath the earth at judgment day . "2012" assure to all patriot, december 21, 2012, mark it on the calendar, end time, rise and fall, go home know of your sin, beast rapture, watch for nature disaster of asia, the bomb of pacific ocean, along asia africa america europe world c ontinent war on pacific ocean. Country with the atomic bomb, nuclear, know this if happen and will happen what done to the world. And god lord jessu christ the reddemer armageddon our savoir light and for good men the battle of good evil. Heroes angels demons deception point, point of authorithy, well this the world the hell you are waiting for. Yahh, whell of fortune (rota) , of the past the power of the future, dreamtime. Surrealism, lineage, fiu philippines, perfect world, lol P. H. Leage of legends. Runes the battlefield old rivalry.
    May 27 at 7: 52pm · unlike · 1
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  • U
    - 1
    1st paragraph, lennon speaks about how religion fanatics put their own convenience first before helping the people, or fantasizing of the future (home in heaven) instead of helping for today.
    In relation to 1, einstein said.
    (einstein: "man's plight would, indeed, be sad if he had to be kept in order through fear of punishment and hope of rewards after death. ")
    2nd paragraph, lennon speaks in relation to patriotism, nationalism and wars.
    Again, in relation to einstein, "i am by heritage a jew, by citizenship a swiss, and by makeup a human being, and only a human being, without any special attachment to any state or national entity whatsoever. "
    Lastly, lennon speaks about capitalism and the concept of countries, I remember lennon being a fan of the communist manifesto besides not being a communist.
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  • U
    - 1
    誰相信信念 倘若不是在我们心里 Let's take Jesus for example; either he was the Son of God… or he wasn't. I can't really see the Jewish and the Christian communities getting together any time soon for an informal, open-minded chat on the matter. "Hey what do you guys think about that whole Messiah thing?" Nup, not gonna happen. Both religions know that they're right, so it's not up for discussion. Their beliefs are non-negotiable. Let's be honest, I wasn't there, you weren't there, none of us were. We don't actually know, we just believe. If we categorically knew that Jesus was the son of God, then we wouldn't need faith because we would have indisputable knowledge, and faith is all about believing in something that we can't prove. With me?
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  • n
    - 1
    This song has been my inspiration for my whole life. I sang it in choir in grade 3 and, being a little nerd, did a bunch of research on the song. It was what decided me on becoming a performer. I saw what John Lennon was able to do with a single piece of music and I thought "wow, I want to spend my life trying to inspire people like THAT."
    Thank you John, Rest in the peace you so hoped for.
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  • p
    - 1
    How do some of you take a song that is pure about a world of peace and happiness and call it a dream of Communism? No Countries would mean no government. This song is about loving your neighbor just because you can. It dreams of always seeing the good in people and always lending a helping hand. The song is as big a dream as it is that everyone who listens to it getting the same message.
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    • l
      + 10
      Larry-June Gibbs
      A very creative and "imaginative" song. Imagination has power to motivate and inspire, but not to,... Read more →
    • U
      + 9
      This song is sad to me. If Lennon didn't want a heaven above him, he most likely didn't believe in... Read more →

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