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Mistletoe is a plant and tradition is if you kiss under the Mistletoe, your relationship will prosper. So every couple tries to stop under it to share a kiss.. This song is from the Rock and Roll era of American music, It was performed by Bill Haley and the Comets. The group was named after Haley's Comet which passes earth around every 70 years more or less. in a stationary orbit around the sun. It is one of the most recognizable space events.,and occurs only once in a lifetime. The Christmas hop. The Hop is a place people go to dance. Relating mostly to teen listeners of the radio or buyers of records. The song "At the Hop" explains it better, and lists some some of the dances of the era. So the Christmas party hop. Is basically a Christmas dance party. Sentimental feelings are based on the emotions stirred by songs to which we have an emotional attachment from a past experience. Like wishing Christmas could be like it was when you were a child, expecting Santa and his reindeer on the roof and down the chimney. Or any other song thats stirs your emotions, seasonal or not. Christmas songs remind us it's about life, laughter and love. It's also about Christ which is the reason for the season. This song is a feel good song, it is bright, cheerful, memorable and singable.However, for all of that, there is no mention of who or what we are celebrating. Many Christmas songs are like this which I think is sad in a way. Kids song like Frosty and Santa is Coming to Town, and even Rudolph, while cute still does not teach the deeper meaning of Christmas in this media. My wish would be for a balance during the Christmas season that everyone and everywhere people would be inspired to "Go Tell it on the Mountain, Jesus Christ is born." Chaplain Jerry, Philippines
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