0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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+ 2
Well this one is a good one of meaning. It touches home for myself personally. This man has done awful things to others in his life. He's an addict in addiction. He is searching for that one kind soul that will stop him from using drugs. He needs a real and true friend who.does it judge him, and a friend that will stop him from the high of the drug. So that he can get help instead of using again. He feels regret for the lying, stealing, hurting others and wAnts to stop. He's come to his bottom, to the end of himself, knowing that the next time I'm his depression and lonliness, may be his last time. And that he has found a partner or a or both in one he is asking her to help him not stumble, to have putty even though he's been a bad man, and sad and in something that he can't leave. He knows that he can't take that mistake back, but he's asking for a true woman in his life to take him as he is, help him to be a better man than he has not been. He found that woman, and she would and has given her all to and for him. He even felt love, empathy, comfort, real true happiness and joy with her.
+ 7
This song to me means, these two were in a long term got and heavy relationship. They have been trying to stay apart for a while, in and off. Their relationship was good and bad! This song is the two of them trying to either stay with each other and respect each other, or date other people to try and forget about each other everyday in life. They are both upset with another because she sees him trying to date other girls and he sees her dating other guys. They both are doing that to make each other jealous. He doesn't hate her not does she have him. They just don't know how to be together as a couple in a healthy way. He chases her she chases him they are together then not together.
+ 3
This song I believe is about her meeting a man that she met one night. They ended up sleeping together. To her she already loves this man. To him I think that he's either already married or has a girl friend at home. So when to her as "making love" maybe he's given her that assurance that she's the only one for him in his life. Too her her when he leaves and has to "go to work" , but in reality in his head she's just another woman that he can have sex with and she won't complain. I'm her head she's in love with him, and when he does leave, or if he ever decided not to see her anymore, she knows that she would not be able to handle the rejection from him. She loves him, but he's not in love with her. He may tell her he does but then why leave? So short and sweet on this whole songs meaning. A one night stand has become a love of her life for her, but he's not that kind of man. He's not going to give her what she is desiring from him. He's using her. Like he uses all women he has affairs with.
+ 1
The simplest meaning of this song is..she had a husband whom she lost in a motorcycle accident. She is remembering all of the times they had together, she loved him very deeply. He was her soul mate. She can't mourn his passing, she misses his touch, kisses, his pressence, but now she's alone without him. And her heart is broken. She can't bring herself to mourn him. That would mean that she would have to let him go. Before the accident her life with him in it was true happiness and joy and love. Now she feels so lost and alone. Her heart is broken beyond repair. The pain that she feels over him being gone forever is beyond any pain she's ever felt. She wants him back, she wishes that it never happened. And her not grieving, is her sort of blaming him for going out the door that day. She blames herself and sort of blames him for him going.
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