Remember Everything lyrics by Five Finger Death Punch, 45 meanings. Remember Everything explained, official 2024 song lyrics |
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Five Finger Death Punch – Remember Everything lyrics
Dear mother, I love you
I'm sorry, I wasn't good enough
Dear Father, forgive me
Cause in your eyes, I just never added up
In my heart I know I failed you, but you left me here alone

If I could hold back the rain, would you numb the pain?
Cause I remember everything.
If I could help you forget, would you take my regrets?
Cause I remember everything.

But dear brother, just don't hate me
For never standing by you, or being by your side
Dear sister, please don't blame me
I only did, what I thought was truly right
It's a long and lonely road, when you know you walk alone

If I could hold back the rain, would you numb the pain?
Cause I remember everything.
If I could help you forget, would you take my regrets?
Cause I remember everything

I feel like running away
I'm still so far from home
You say I'll never change but what the fuck do you know?
I'll burn it all to the ground, before I let you run
Please forgive me, I can't forgive you now.
I remember everything.
If I could hold back the rain, would you numb the pain?
Cause I remember everything.
If I could help you forget, would you take my regrets?
Cause I remember everything
It all went by so fast; I still can't change the past
I always will remember, everything
If we could start again, would that change the end?
We remember everything.

Lyrics taken from /lyrics/f/five_finger_death_punch/remember_everything.html

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Songwriters: Ivan Moody, Jeremy Spencer, Kane Churko, Kevin Churko, Thomas Jason Grinstead, Zoltan Bathroy
Remember Everything lyrics © BMG Rights Management, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.
Corrected by szabbass

Remember Everything meanings Post my meaning

  • U
    + 7
    This song reminds me of all the hardships my family has been through. All the fights, all the feelings of being betrayed. Even in the first verse of the song I immediately relate. I truly feel like I'm the daughter she never wanted. Everything I do is always wrong somehow.
    My dad on the other hand, killed himself when I was like 6 or 7 or something. I always wonder, if he was still alive today (not that I would really care) if he would be happy with who I am.
    As far as the second verse goes, my brother and I weren't always close, but even though we don't talk every day, we're still family, and though we may not always be there for each other, we're there for when it matters, even if that means it's just a phone call or a text.
    As for the rest of the song (mainly the chorus) it's about never forgetting what makes you who you are. If someone wronged you, you have a choice, you can forgive them, and always remember, or you can ignore them for the rest of your life, or you can f*ck them over just as they did to you. In the end, it's you're choice.
    While this is a slightly depressing song, lyrically and instrumentally, it's also a kind of empowering song, I think.
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  • U
    + 6
    My ex-boyfriend sent me this a day after he broke up with me. We're in good terms even if the breakup hurt so much. He's been having family, school, social problems and he's been trying to cope up. I guess he sent me the lyrics of this song to let me know what he dropped me for. He's choosing to fix his family before anything else. I hope him sending the lyrics of this song to me doesn't equate to suicide or anything. As for the rest of the comments, true, this song is empowering and at the same time, it depicts someone's pain and eagerness to heal his and the others' pain.
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  • U
    + 6
    This song reminds me of a buddy who got so entangled in his own mind after watching brother after brother fall on his watch, that he forgot how to live. He refused to leave the field of battle until after his fourth tour he was not given on option. Upon returning home he was not the same man. It has been 3 years and he is finally making progress adjusting back to life. Whether they know it or not, our brothers and sisters in arms may only intend on giving 4 years but sacrifice for a lifetime. We love you. Stay strong!
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    That he was never good enough and he can't forgive because of all the pain and regrets and living up to their expectations and that he remembers and can't forget the past and it eats at him. This relates to me of how my family wasn't there to help me when I needed them and how I got criticized and what I've witnessed and not learning life skills but I did learn the reality of life and how hard it is sometimes, at a young age.
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  • U
    + 5
    This song reminds me of my adoptive mother. She spoiled me as child but when I started getting money and started to become more independant but she smothered me and made me pay to stay in my own room and if I refused to pay the whole family would ignore me and I was forced to move out of my house at only 18 and live on my own. They now haven said a word to me and this song came on the radio the other day and hit me hard. I needed to hear this song.
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    I'll never understand these people talking about post traumatic crap. I served 4 tours almost 3 years of my life fighting for our country, they can't accept what they've done in a time of war. While I don't particularly agree with the things that happened while I was there, I had no qualms about doing what needed to be done, nor does it bother me now or even when I came back home to Texas. I've had friends and brothers killed in action several times in my arms, they are people whom I'll miss forever but I understood going in that there would be casualties and I accepted it. My brothers in arms need to man up and take responsibility for what was done and accept that their losses was meant to happen.

    I know this makes me come off an a*****e but it needs to be understood that ptsd is for pussies that can't man up and accept themselves and what they've done.
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    It reminds me and shows what I've done wrong to the woman I love. I've hurt her in more ways than I can count. I've pushed her so far away, and I never stood by her side. I always done everything else but be there for her when she need me the most. If we started again I'm not sure if that would change anything. To be honest I don't know if I will ever get to be with her or come back home. This song shows me what I've really done wrong. I just hope I can get her back.
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    + 3
    For me this song represents my life. I've always been alone in my family. Nobody truly cared about me and they honestly always think everything I do is wrong. Everytime I hear this song I just cry out my eyes thinking about how could I've made it better for everyone. I love this song. And I love ffdp one of my favorite bands, definitely in the top of the list.
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  • U
    + 3
    For me this song hits home! Mother~i always felt like I was never good enough to be her child. I am an only child on my mother's side and she didn't want me. Father~when my mother (at age 18) told him she was pregnant, he ran and never looked back. He refuses to talk to me and acknowledge me. Brother~ I tried to be there for him when I found out I had a brother by my dad but he woulnd't have it. Sister~well we talk but I do not try hard enough cuz of our father. She means a lot to me but I have learned to step back n not try with my fathers side of the family. They always tell me I would never change?! Wtf do they do know? They do not know me and never will. Everytime I hear this song it brings tears to my eyes b/c it's so real for me. I got to see ffdp perform this song on may 12, 2012 in kc for rockfest, I have never cried at rockfest and this year I did! Thank ffdp I love you even more with every song you come out with!
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    + 3
    Dude, the writer of this song must have spied on my life, tell me this is a weird a* coincidence:.
    My mother - died when I was 12, but I have not lived how she raised me. Pretty much total opposite. I went a little nuts when my hs sweetheart died in a car crash.
    My father - he molested 2 of my three sisters, so I testified in court against him and sent him to jail. I'm pretty sure that he is upset with me, but he is gone.
    Brother - the 2 sisters also said my brother molested them (3 years difference) I couldn't believe that because I was so close to my brother, but I stood with my sisters because hey, I'm their older brother, what are you going to do. So I left him alone and did not stand by his side during prob the worst time in his life. (he was freed because not enough evidence).
    Other sister - she does not believe that my father or brother did any of it, so she has disowned us, but I only did what I could, what was right.
    I wish I could forget it all, forgive them, let them in, but never, never will I, or can I, I had to stand alone, against everyone to do what was right, so f*k them, I sit here remembering everything and its raining, forever.
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    + 3
    What does this song mean to me? My boyfriend and I have been together for a year now and he has recently given me a promise ring. A few months into our relationship he told me that the things people used to say to him about being differnt were so cruel and hurtful that he thought about killing himself. One night, before us. He sat there with a knife in hand and almost took his own life, but he just couldn't do it. If he had done it I never would have met him and we would never have been in love. There is hope and brighter days. We recently sat down and listened to this song while I held him, because it reminds him of how poeple drove him to suicidal thoughts. He still struggles with it, but hearing this song while with me has taken away the power of those who have hurt him. My heart goes out to all the families and innocent people that have been hurt by abuse, and cruelty.
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    + 2
    It is what I want to say to my wife and kids as an apology for not being here when they truly needed me. As I listen to the lyrics I change some of the words, starting with my Daughter, then Wife, then my two boys. I know that my job required me to be gone for extended periods of time, and that they tell me they understand, but I still feel like they resent me for not being here in there time of need. Now I am trying my hardest to pick up the pieces and put us back together. I just hope they can forgive me for being away.
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    Even though you hate them for what they did you still love them and forgive me because that's they only way you feel you can forget about it. Feelin as if its your fault for not being able to stop what was happening to you and your siblings. And even thou you forgave them you still have that hate for them. You can change the past but you'll always remember everything.
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    Its bout a boy who grows up an now a man starts remembering the past and its bad how he hurt his sister brother mom an dad like if he played a sport an quit his dad got mad which explains in the song it say dear father forgive me cause in your eyes I just never added up in my heart I know I've failed you but you left me here alone sorta same as my dad well I never had so yeah I was never taught wht to do an not do thts y I meesed upin life so much ever since ten without a dad now I have 1 so after he remembers he goes back an trys to ask for forgivness an ask if they can except him agian an not let him hurt from the wrong he done to them.
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  • U
    + 2
    My husband and I are going through a divorce. He called me today and said this song describes the way he feels. He left me and I decided not to take him back b/c I broke a promise to him that we both swore we never would. We hurt each other bad n I just read the last chorus I cried b/c how much we hurt each other and we just lost 7 years we had together.
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    It's about the pain one has to go through when one lives the life they are true to. It's about not wanting to be hated for making decisions that a person makes knowing all the while that is what will happen. Is about the pain of rejection from those that shouldn't reject you, but having the courage to say they would do it all again. My read on it, could be a mile off but that's how I see it.
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  • U
    + 2
    The meaning to this song is a teenage boy's family if falling apart and his true love left him. He just wishes that his family would come back and his girlfriend would come back. He thinks the departing of his family is his fault, and is apologizing for the wrongs he thinks he did and telling them all he loves them at heart and hopes they come back to him and be in his life forever, never splitting apart.
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  • U
    + 2
    My meaning to this song is as a young man at the age of sixteen, from my childhood and up my family was broke apart from my dad being abusive to my older brother and my mom and my brother and my dad had got into a physical fight and if it wasn't for me then my brother would probably be dead. My brother moved out and was forced not to see us again. After another year of abuse to my family my dad went after one of my sisters and the same situation if it was not for me I would have lost a sister. And my mom gathered courage to leave him. Now my family is gathered again including my brother and we have a happy life together without that abusive b*d I call a father in this life. I believe that my experience lets this song get to me and it just helps me let go of some of the emotional stress I have built up. I want to thank ffdp for writing this song, it as helped me get through my life so far. That's how this song speaks to me.
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    + 2
    A child talking to god and mother earth asking for forgiveness from god for killing his brothers and sisters that he was left alone not knowing which road was right and which one was bad that he only was tring to fight for what he thought was truly right that god remebers everything if he could hold back his tears to not feel his emotional pain but for god to hold back the rain would kill us all.
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    I think its a bout some one wanting to fix all there mistakes but not getting a chance to because everyone has given up on him. He has a family that seems un fixable he gets mis treated. By them and yet he still loves them he doesn't want to leave but he feels like he has no choice in the matter he just wants all the pain to disappear! I think that's what it means at least to me!
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    Great song that really symbolizes how broken this mans life is. His mother and father appear to be addicts and as he gre up he grew away from them. He joined the military and still suffers from the effects of ptsd. Even when he is home, he is still seprated from his wife and friends. He starts drinking, which reminds hime of his father. As time goes on he and his wife get divorced (inferred from when he smashes the bride and groom topper) and she leaves him. He grows older, feeling that everything was taken from him. The room in which the child has been drawing grows darker and covered with images that further separate him from the innocent drawings he made at the beginning. At the end of the video, the child has become an old man, who is driven mad by the memories and regrets he has of his life. The innocent white room is almost completely black as the man smashes paint stained items agiainst the wall. He lays alone in the hospital bed at the end of the video and dies, the person caring for him takes the only posession he has left, what seems to be the coin he had from his childhood. Beautiful song!
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  • U
    + 2
    It's about a family that's broken. The narrator has done some terrible things and feel like they've been a horrible son/brother and it's haunting him everyday in everything he does. He wants to be forgiven, but knows it won't really happen because you can't change the past. Though he is going to try to change, he knows he will go through life alone and lonely, regretting everything. Such a sad but thought provoking song.
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    + 2
    I feel as though it's meaning is about having parents that werent ready to be parents and were irresponsible and lost their children to foster care or adopted them out. Which in turn the children were separated and it is weighing hard on his heart. He so desperately wants to forgive them but since he has never truely known them, it seems meerly impossible. Me and my husband absolutley love this song. :)
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    + 2
    Regret nothing, enjoy the moment, good or bad, it's your moment, judge not less you be judge, thrive some to merely survive some comes with a lot of pain, from which understanding should be gained but in reality insanity sustains the brain. Childhood survivor, brought through the fires of hell, by my own personal lord and savior, but not without enduring, the abusive, alcoholic behavior of father, who created chaos, tormented, tortured, teased, degraded, belittled, ridiculed, smothered, and dangled you over the grand canyon for fun. The son of satan. I will hate not only the man but all of society, that say get over it don't dwell, go to hell, oh so many that fell through the cracks, jail they will not see, free to make a child live in pain and misery, thankful I can not remember the events of my infancy, unfortunately they are responsible for my place in history, from birth to four, except for a traumatic event, that is all I remember, from the day I was born, on december, 10, 1961; 12: 02 am, I came breach. To teach and preach the world is full of leaches and sneaks and freaks and they are masquerading as fathers and mothers and brothers and sisters, and sitters, and uncles and aunts, friends and foes, keep on your toes, you never know, only what they show, know how to live in the now, go slow with the flow, or before you know it you'll be swept away with the tide. Along with the rest of the s*t they want to hide, you tried, they lied, they died, who cried, not I, I made it through my f****d up child hood, because I understood, I had to endure some experiences and things would seem out of hand but it was all part of the plan to make me who I am, I am who I am, some one who gave a damn, not I see it is all a big sham. So say what you mean and mean what you say, and who said any lyrics has to mean something anyway. Misery comes from resistance to what is. It is what it is. Get out of my biz.
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  • U
    + 2
    In this I think of my mother cause she was never around I think of my father cause he left when I was young and ever sence he came back its as if no matter what I do I can't make him proud my brothers who I never quite had there back when they needed it my sister who was my best friend and I can't bring her son back I am so sorry sissy and I love you all I wish I could fix me I wish I could stop the pain but I can't
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  • U
    + 2
    This song makes me think of my cousin whose parents never accepted him and he was welcomed into the drug world. He was able to cope with his depression. He got lost in that world, and instead of being there for him his parents and sister kept pushing him further away. They never once accepted him. He died in 2008 over drugs. He was murdered. It's such a shame that happened, because he was such an amazing person, that just got mixed in with some bad stuff. He had a disease, and no one understood him, that happens to too many young people. : (
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    I know just how he feels. The feeling of letting everyone you cared about down. The feeling of needing to right the past, redo everything. The pit your thrown into, the uphill battle being fought, worst of all the everlasting pain. Being forsaken, wanting some attention, especially forgiveness. Things are worse than cutting deep, they tear the soul. Feeling left alone. The song tells what I'm going through as a teen. Nothing hurts more than being less than second class to, and feeling no love from, family.
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    To me the song is about somebody whos was bassically never good enough in everybodys eyes. He felt alone it the world and he just wanted someone to listen to him> he would try to do anything just to get someones help and someone to listen to him for once. He felt like he left everyone down and that he failed them all, so now he is older and he can't forgive them for all the pain he had to go through in his life.
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    + 2
    It about how he didn't grow up to be what his parents wanted. The road he took caused issues with the family. They all did bad things but he did what he had to do to get where he was. He did what in his eyes was right and parents didn't aprove. They made him the outkast. He walks alone. It is a great song. Just really read the lyrics it explains itself. Awesome song. Keep it up guys.
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    I just recently had to leave my home because my mother and I gout into a drunken fight and my step dad decided to step in and choke me out. Twice! And my mom just stood there and watched as he was choking the life out of her own daughter. I'm 17. I left and am now with my grandmother. It's been 9 days since I left and she hasn't even bothered looking for me. :( it's sad really, but I'm doing just fine on my own. I'm doing better than I ever did when I was with her. This is my song to her because I have tried everything to make her happy and proud to call me her daughter, but it's completley impossibe! But I love this song! :)
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    I dunno - to me, and maybe it is just me, but it sounds like the guy is in a terminal depression, thinks his whole life has brought hurt to everyone and now he's killing himself, maybe taking an od of pills and setting his place on fire so that the others can't '; run', that is, can't turn away form him again since he will be dead and his remains left for them to identify.
    Has anyone heard what the band says it is all about?
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    Reminds me of a girl I used to know really well. I met her through her brother who died two years ago of cancer. She never was the same again but who could expect her to be? A little while after her brother passed we hung out and her mother said to me she loves it when marissa is around me because she seems to go back to how she was before he passed. I highly dissagree with that she's so different regardless of who she's with :( I guess not even mothers remember everything about there children :(
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    I think it's about doing something wrong, something your family doesn't approve of. But at that moment, you think it's perfect; that nothing can be better than this. But, after it's all said and done and everyone's already hurt, you realize it was wrong. A mistake, something you wish you could take back more than anything. Of course you can't change what's been done, but you try and stop what hasn't yet come undone. That's just me, tho: p
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    This is basically how my life is laid out. My mother and father have always resented the fact I am who I am. I always seem to disappoint. I've run away many times and it never seems to get better. My brothers both hate me and no matter how hard I try to show them I care. They push me away. They apologize in front of people but in the end I remember it all and I know they do too. The pain doesn't go away.
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    Song meaning, well its not really towards my parent, and I don't have a sister. But this song goes towards my brother. I wasn't ever really good enough for him. He destroyed my family with the things he did. I always needed my brother and he never was their and that was his choice. He lied and deceived, just to get the things he wanted. An this song just spoke to me, I have only hate towards him, nothing else but hate!
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    This song reminds me of a teen during world war two that did nothing but cause trouble and not once did his family say that he was proud of him or say they love him. So the teen joind the are and went to fight against germany. After the war he changed but his parents did not seem to notis but for once they said this to him. Son I'm proud of what you did for us.
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  • U
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    This song reminds me of a person who has done nothing but wrong during the early years of their life. Instead of being the strong individual and standing to all the right things, they made various mistakes never claiming ownership. Although deep within they feel a resounding guilt, remorse for the deeds done. Despite everything within the guilt, they're seeking resolution and forgiveness for all the agony that was afflicted on those who they met. Oddly enough the image of a fallen angel comes to mind.
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    My step father abused me and my brother beat the crap out of us sometimes busted are head open and their would be blood and my mother would wash it off and say to us why do you make him made she could have stopped it but she didn't. And at times after beating I would cry out to mother saying I wish I was dead her reply would be I wish you were to. I have god in my heart now and I have forgiven them for everything. And for my brothers and sisters some remember and others that were still to young to remember. I told them how it was. I praise god for the family I have now and pray for my brothers and sisters. God is good all the time amen B. I. C.
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    My father was very abusive to my oldest brother. When my brother finally moved out my father started beating me every night just for simple mistakes. It got to the point were I tried to kill myself 3 times. I ran away 4 times just to get away. I've never returned home. I've never been able to forgive myself for never standing up to my father for beating my brother, and I've never forgivin myself for leaving my sister behind. I just can't listen to this song without crying everytime. This is my life.
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    Reminds me of my childhood. My parents divorced when I was young, then my father passed when I was 9. My mother was very abusive and I was never good enough in her eyes. When I was 13 I ran away and abandon my brother and sister. They have held a grudge ever since, because the abuse went to them. I know longer talk to my mother and I was able to save my sister, but not my brother. I only did what I thought was right at the time. And it haunts me every day. I can relate to this song a lot.
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    I'm going through a rough time in school and I always have been. When I see my mother. I'm scared. She were yelling at me about hhow much she wanted to give up on me and just let me fail not just in school but my life. Being a teenage boy I don't cry easily, but my mom knows how to make me. I'm in my room and this song came on and I've never cried harder.
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    This song completely represents my life and how it was. I grew up in a abusive broken family. I hated my life and what I was born into. I was a drug addict, I lied I stole and cheated. I didn't care about anyone, my family, or myself. I did what I had to do for drugs and that was it. I spent my days either in and out of jail, or in rehab. I couldn't forgive my parents for what they've done. I couldn't even forgive myself. Thankfully I'm slowly working out of that mess I was in. I've been clean for 6 months now and looking at life in a different light. This song helps remind me where I came from. I can't change the past. I can only learn from it and hope to do better next time.
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    This song has made me cry twice now because of how closely it relates to my life. My family has never been the showing our emotions type and things have always been different than other families. I had kids young in life and I went from being daddys girl to the black sheep or family s***w up. And the part about his brother. My brother is a couple years younger than me and always wanted to go with me when I would go out with friends and I would always say no and leave without him. Ugh just so many regrets I wish I could go back and fix.
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    This song reminds me of my brothers and my upbringing. They messed up a lot and me being the youngest and the only girl was a little more sheltered ad sax as even that was. I didn't just fall to there anger but to whatever my parents did or didn't dish out. My brothers were old enough to remember our dad leaving, sadly they kept the ae, ret of him being my dad to prevent the hurt. The food news is we made it out alive and we are ok. Now I'm looking at this song as almost a remembrance. I lost one of my brothers, om, dad, grandparents and everything has been a hush about me. The one person that should Haye me and I he is the one person I cherish and hold onto and he for me. I'm gonna loose my brother, and I look at his life and how proud he should be and is to still see all the regrets and pain, I wish I could take it all away. I'd do anything to see him learn to have faith and know god, but I just wish there were a way he would remember nothing but happiness and forget the rest. I wish I could either make him well again or take his place. When my other brother died he promised he wouldn't leave, clearly k owing that's not a promise he could keep. Y brothers done some really terrible sh*t that took a lifetime to handle but it's forgiven, he was just a messed up dood on serious drugs and now he's not. But he's got cancer, and it traveled to his brain, I wanna scream and ask why him? He gave his kids and grandkids and wife a beautiful life. He's turned his life around totally, he's apologized for what he's done. Why couldn't he be the one to catch a break and live long and happy. It should have been me, weather Iwant to or not I've messed my kids up, my marriage and it impacts my grandkids. I don't understand. No I never want to, I've always tried to treat others better than me and help and take care of them. But I still wasn't food enough and didn't do it right. Why? I can't imagine life without him, he's the only relative I ha e left. I wouldn't be able to get thru without him telling me it's ok. I love my brother. Please anyone who reads this please pray for him to be healed or cured, his faith renewed. Funny we are both fans of the band and definitely of the song. Was gonna send him to a five finger concert but he wasn't well enough. Thanks to the writers and singer of this song, we are glad to know you get us, please all of you pray for a miracle, and to numb the pain. Love me.
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    I was in a car with my friends, they were headed home after a couple all-nighters at my house. This song came on, and one of my friends turns to me and asks me what it's about after it ended. I looked him in the eye and said "well, it's about all the things you know you should've done different. That you would change if only you could, and how you know you can't. " after a minute or two I looked back at him and added "and i guess family issues is at the top of the list.. Yeah definitely family issues. "
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      This song reminds me of all the hardships my family has been through. All the fights, all the... Read more →
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      My ex-boyfriend sent me this a day after he broke up with me. We're in good terms even if the... Read more →

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