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6LACK – Seasons lyrics
(feat. Khalid)

[Verse 1: 6LACK]
It's been a little cold
In out-outside
Switch of the wardrobe
Gotta be dressed for a ride
Got hit with a winter breeze
And all we like to act tough, what we do it for?
Be careful with [?]
No need to be so cold, I wanna be more

[Chorus: 6LACK]
Oh, someones calling
A beautiful someone is calling
Oh, someones calling
(I don't have a [?])
A beautiful somebody's calling

[Verse 2: Khalid]
I've been going through, you been through it (you been through it)
I fall back and look at what we're doing (now)
[?] what's the use (use)
If you really love me, gotta prove it
Carrying this bag, just need a pack, ay
Hate seeing you sad, I gotta act right
I'm looking forward for the pride [?]
Oh, oh love

[Chorus: 6LACK & Khalid]
Oh, someones calling
A beautiful someone is calling
Oh, someones calling
(I don't have a [?])
A beautiful somebody's calling

[Verse 3: 6LACK]
Have you ever looked for someone that said "I could spend my whole life with you"?
You're lucky the greatest, thing I can do is marry you
Cause if I could, I spill my blood
Down to give you my last breath
To owe me of his last stretch [?]
I guess in all seasons next (next)

[Chorus: 6LACK & Khalid]
Oh, someone's calling
A beautiful someone is calling
Ooh, someone's calling
(I don't have a [?])
A beautiful somebody's calling

Miscommunication means to complication and...
Here we are standing at each other exchangers, sleeping in the same bed
'Cause it's like you were never taught how to use your words like that
You were never taught how to say loving things and caring things
You were just taught how to say what had to be said
So, I want the words you don't have and I'm still trying to figure out what you feel
Just think about it, like, what might this life be like if we put our parts to the side and
Let love lead the way


Lyrics taken from /lyrics/0-9/6lack/seasons.html

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