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I agree in part with the last interpretation. I do find the individual as a person who was on top of worldly possessions and then finding himself empty-but I find his transformation to be from finding salvation from Christ. :) As in my own personal experience, He totally changed his life. How people couldn't believe the 180 he/she made. 2Cor 5: 17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. Old things have disappeared, and - look! - all things have become new!" Such instances of his changes are how he's now in bed alone (abstinence), Rolling the dice (as those who crucified Christ did- oblivious to the truth of life before them, focused upon only worldly gain- his robe) Never an honest word (lying), but that was when he ruled the world. He has made God king over his life. Luk 9: 24 "If you try to keep your life for yourself, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for me, you will find true life." -- I could dissect them all! House of sand is from Matthew 7: 24-27 (those who do not build their lives on Christ are like those who build their house on sand- once troubles come they collapse) , and the wild wind is obviously the holy Spirit. As wind is a constant reference to His Spirit all throughout scripture. The part of Saint Peter is how the wonder of Grace floods us. How God could give us favor without merit. Yet while we were sinners He died for us Romans 8: 1. :) The silver plate is a contrast to John the Baptist and how those in power (revolutionaries being those who were like he was) find him absurd and foolish. He sees it as a puppet on a string. And questions why he would ever want to live that way, or anyone would for that matter. 1 Cor 1: 18 "For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." It's a masterpiece. This song is amazing! The Jerusalem bells are Roman Calvary are God's joy over his decision. The mirror is from James 1: 24 and is reference to God being our mirror. The sword is the Word of God. The shield is faith. Taken from the armor of God: Ephes 6: 13- 17. I had no clue what this song really was about. I have been hearing a snip it of it in the commercial for I-tunes, and was curious as to who sang it, and what it actually says. Googled it up, and ended on here. I have fallen in love with the song. It reminds me of just how rich I am to know God. How all things I count as worthless compared to knowing Him. And how amazing it is to find that despite my says, that God knows my name on that day. This is offered to all. No matter how deep your sins, or where you're at. What you're doing. There is Hope and a God who loves you and wants to give you the amazing rush of living in the truth- that there is in deed a God, there is indeed a debt of sin that needs paid. That all the world has to offer- s*, money, possessions- are all worthless when we take our last breath. How we can be counted free and forgiven in God's sight by realizing that there is sooo much more worth living for. That real- unconditional love is beyond the most amazing thing you'll ever experience and obtain in this life. And how that comes from knowing God thru His son Jesus. It's like the rush and high you feel when this song hits the Jerusalem bells chorus. It's the sheer joy and knowledge of just what you've lost and how what you've found is much better in comparison. It's everyone's to be had. How wonderful God is. :) I'm open for questions. And for prayer if you want it. :) Kate.
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