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Omg sarajones, are you serious? I registered with this site for the sole purpose of commenting on your stupidity. She is not A devil worshipper, and you can't believe everything you see on YouTube. You must be A very young child to speak such rubbish. Smh. Lady gaga is A hermaphrodite, meaning she has both male and female organs. She wrote the song with the simple message that no matter how you were born, that was how you were supposed to be. She accepts herself the way she was born, and that's whats shes saying in this song, also relaying the message to others that they should love themselves no matter what. And the reason why she writes her own lyrics is because that is what individuality and creativity is all about. It would not be 100% her song if someone else wrote it. You need to stop referring to the internet for your sources and finish school before spreading your religious psycho-Bable nonsense. Just sayin.
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