Reflect lyrics by Higher Power - original song full text. Official Reflect lyrics, 2024 version |
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Higher Power – Reflect lyrics
Civilization reflects on our state of neglect
Exposed and naked in a world so full of hatred
Brother against brother it’s so frustrating
Violence on the street and it’s just money that we’re chasing

I step back look into the sky
Search for a way out
I won’t be next in line
The blind lead the blind
Coz when they see the light they’re closing their eyes

This world might destroy flesh but you won’t kill me
I’m searching for something more
Because my soul don’t belong to this earth

And when I’m gone and I leave these words for my son
I’ll say find a new path, the ones they paved before are leading us wrong
Still searching for a god but all I see is hurting
And there’s no prayers left to save our souls


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