Now And Forever lyrics by Carole King, 7 meanings, official 2024 song lyrics |
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Carole King – Now And Forever lyrics
Now and forever, you are a part of me
And the memory cuts like a knife
Didn't we find the ecstasy, didn't we share the daylight
When you walked into my life

Now and forever, I'll remember
All the promises still unbroken
And think about all the words between us
That never needed to be spoken

We had a moment, just one moment
That will last beyond a dream, beyond a lifetime
We are the lucky ones
Some people never get to do all we got to do
Now and forever, I will always think of you

Didn't we come together, didn't we live together
Didn't we cry together
Didn't we play together, didn't we love together
And together we lit up the world

I miss the tears, I miss the laughter
I miss the day we met and all that followed after
Sometimes I wish I could always be with you
The way we used to do
Now and forever, I will always think of you
Now and forever, I will always be with you

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Now And Forever lyrics © FRANAM PUB ADMINISTRATION, Universal Music Publishing Group

Now And Forever meanings Post my meaning

  • s
    + 7
    Marjo1907 has hit the nail on the head. From its meaning in the movie A League of Their Own it brings bittersweet memories to Dottie Hinson (Geena Davis) and for me it chronicles my life with my late wife who died at age 45. Especially "...think about all the words between us that never needed to be spoken..." At times I thing the lyricist must have known my wife and I. Thank you for making it available.
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  • U
    + 6
    I have used this song as an opening and/or closing of my eulogy speeches for my dearest of friends who have passed on. I think it says a lot with respect to friendship and love for one another. It describes many of our closest relationships with sisters and friends. I understand what SkipW means.
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  • U
    + 5
    It reminds me of when I lost my husband listerning to this and it show me that we loved each other soo much we go married on his birthday and he died on my birthdat We are very lucky to have each other I love you baby I wish he was still here but he is not. I will always have him in my heart and hes son looks like him very, very, very, very much with the eyes and personality and everything else just wish he was here with me and he 16 year old son I love you both soo much and my son said to me I love my daddy and I always pray for him before I go to bed. We both dream about him and wishes he was with us cause we love him so much.
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  • U
    + 3
    With my class graduation coming up, I've never really been thinking about leaving all my friends who've I've grown up with since preschool. I've been preoccupied with other "important" things. But this song made me realize just how much they mean to me. And that when I get mad and say I can't wait to leave them. I will never mean it. We were special. We were together. That's a lot to say for just a class, but 15 of us together for 10 years is a lot. This song has the exact discription of our friendships. :)
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  • U
    + 1
    This I hear in my mind about. My husband is singing to me and letting me know he loves me now and forever. I miss Wisdom beyond words. I cry everyday for him I miss him so much. He has been gone just a little over 2 years and I still cannot even begin to move forward without tears. I need him and miss him so very much. My loving darling Wisdom you are loved for a lifetime and beyond. I can't wait until it is time to be with you forever. Your broken hearted wife forever.
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  • U
    The year was 1976 and our high school senior varsity basketball team won the Illinois state championship title. My brother (a senior) was team captain and was able to play alongside with two of his childhood buddies. I was a freshman that year and that state title was the highlight of my life! Yes indeed...We had a moment and it has lasted beyond a dream and a lifetime! We did light up "our" world. And we certainly got to do what some never get to do...which is the case in this year of 2020...for many tournaments got cancelled because of the Corona virus. And sadly~the boys senior varsity basketball team (from a different town I now call home) didn't get to play for their state of Illinois title. They'll never get to do what we got to do. In a nutshell... That is my "Now And Forever" story. Tears of joyful reminiscent thoughts never cease to flow whenever I hear it.
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  • U
    - 1
    To me, this song is for my children. The best big brother & little sister, ever. Living together, crying together, playing together & loving one another through it all. Taking the good with the bad & the contentment with the frustration, relying on the love of their sibling every day, every minute. It's a magical time- that can't last. It must change & it will change as they grow. We will always have this time in our hearts & benefit from it forever. I am truly a better person because of their relationship & I am the one lucky be a part of such a closeness.
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    Top meanings Post my meaning

    • s
      + 7
      Marjo1907 has hit the nail on the head. From its meaning in the movie A League of Their Own it... Read more →
    • U
      + 6
      I have used this song as an opening and/or closing of my eulogy speeches for my dearest of friends... Read more →

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