Wendell bravo philippine freedon under heavy chains of slavery, blind by sons of liberty. Philippine history, philippine revolution, philippine invasion, philippine accross world war 1 and 2, 20th century war of giants, post war world 1 and 2. Birth and restore of republic of the philippines. "permanent mission of the republic to united nations", "raid by japan", anscestors homeland battle of freedom, children grow up slaves work and labor country under powerful ruler, philippine under republic of american spain republican democrats governors heneral. Philippine slavery. Dr. Jose rizal I political rebirth rocking dreamtime lord jesus christ, hope someday patriot that he who was someday that will surcease of sorrow and will give happy to unhappy fatherland filipino, filipina, in end of wars, fix economy, obama. Supercongress. You. N ban ki moon, system political messiah second coming system on world system. (the world on perfection new heaven new earth, new world), end of slavery. The world to activate know of the holy bible the world to activate to world perfection in since the world in creation by god. In its perfection of the world of the holy bible. Light and darkness. Game armageddon philippines corrupt, babel babilon, minion, another secret society vendetta the vatican code political messiah (misunderstood the original system of political messiah)pervasive presence of evil of the world, barriers that slaves men, existence of prejudice, injustice poverty, and war, argue dramatic manifestation dillussion of T. V. From world war 1 and 2. To world war 3 "shut off t.v. ,gma 7 ,abs cbn 2 ,minimise artist,making filipino indios monkeys in the island,ignoranse ,blind ,t.v,icon commercial, to urge to my fellow country instead of doing something happy ,write and fgight of today of country in freedom.ignoranse. Sa tagalog minamangmang ang sanlibutan ,pinapagpasasaan ng mga palalo in them rising sin city of world war database of the holy bible revalation conspiracy.and corrupted the earth. The great time will be come to wrath the earth at judgment day . "2012" assure to all patriot, december 21, 2012, mark it on the calendar, end time, rise and fall, go home know of your sin, beast rapture, watch for nature disaster of asia, the bomb of pacific ocean, along asia africa america europe world c ontinent war on pacific ocean. Country with the atomic bomb, nuclear, know this if happen and will happen what done to the world. And god lord jessu christ the reddemer armageddon our savoir light and for good men the battle of good evil. Heroes angels demons deception point, point of authorithy, well this the world the hell you are waiting for. Yahh, whell of fortune (rota) , of the past the power of the future, dreamtime. Surrealism, lineage, fiu philippines, perfect world, lol P. H. Leage of legends. Runes the battlefield old rivalry.
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