I don't mean any offence, nichorasflyboy. But I'm not sure I can say you know what you're talking about considering you did say the album was about Chelsea's Smile,. You may be somewhat right about the rest, as even though I am a huge Bring Me The Horizon fan, I have not seen that interview, but the term "Chelsea Smile", means the same as "Chelsea Grin", or "Glasgow Smile". All these terms refer to a form of torture. (If you've seen Batman - The Dark Night, it's shown on the Joker.) It's when someone makes an inch to two inch insitions in the corners of your mouth, and normally later followed by more torture causing you to scream,. And as you scream the insitions can split to your ears. "The only way I'll really smile is if you cut me ear to ear." From the song Chelsea Smile. I believe that in this term Oli is saying it's torture to keep the secret he is hiding, and causes more damage to spill the secret. I realise this is The Comedown, but I figured why not kill two birds with one stone.