0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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+ 1
And it hurts to know that you belong here
No one to call
Everybody to fear
He's saying that the person who did evil things should have known that he was going to end up in hell, which is where they belong, whether they'd like to admit it or not.
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I lock the door
Turn on the water
And Bury that sound
So no one hears anything anymore
This part describes how wen h went to the washroom to throw up his food, he would turn on the tap to cover the sound (as most bulimics do). He didn't want anyone finding out about what he was doing.
+ 4
This song is about Josh's battle with bulimia. The phrase "skin an bones" refers to all the weight he lost, and how slim he got. He writes about how he felt like his illness was almost controlling him in a way, making him always want to be thinner, despite how much it hurt him.
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Oh can you tell, I haven't slept very well
Since the last time that we spoke, you said
"Please understand if I see you again don't even say hello
The last time Derek was talking to someone he was close to, it didn't end on good terms. That person doesn't want anything to do with Derek, but he can't help but stay up at night thinking about that person, and how he wishes to speak to them again. He misses them so much he can't sleep.
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This is not the man I hoped to be,
And I'm just trying to stop the bleeding
I don't know how to word it
I just started to deserve it
As Josh grew up, everything e struggled with shaped him into a person that he didn't want to be. Everything he did was just an attempt to make himself feel better (i.e. drugs), but it just ended up turning him into someone he didn't want to be, but at the same time, he felt like he deserved all the bad things that were coming to him, even though he didn't know why.
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& #8232 All my motives and every single narrative
He's letting go of a mistake he made in the past and moving on. When he says he's "throwing away the shards" he's trying to say that he's disassociating himself from the problem.
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comedy;& #8232 Have I been losing it? completely Losing? sanity Or has it
been, Fabricated fashioned by the worst of? me;& #8232 I know I knocked the
table Over because I watched the jar break and I've been trying to repair
it Every single stupid day But won't the cracks still show no matter how
well It's assembled can
He constantly being reminded of a mistake he made in the past, and he's being trying to fix it but he's beginning to realize that he can never quite make things the same as they were before, and he just wants to let go of what happened so he can feel better, but he's having a hard time doing that.
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