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How much more do you really
Think you know than a flower
Does about who's behind the door
The last stanza says we know about as much of our existence as any other form of life on this planet and that we aren't THAT much more intelligent than the rest of the animal kingdom. One could take that further to suggest that we have a long, long way to go and that we must be patient because we may be too immature as a species to have the Big Answer just yet.
- 0
How can we find out more
Who owns the keyless door
Where does the circle end
Who are the unwatched men
Where do we go from here
Faith is a fading fear
Life is a waiting room
I hope they don't call me soon
The fourth stanza poses the question of how long does humanity have to find the Great Answer. The 'Faith is a fading fear' says we are evolving into science-minded creatures who no longer want to rely on superstitions and fear which keep us from seeking answers about the unknown. The next two lines speaks of life being finite and not wanting to die out before we find the Great Answer. "They" being the time of our end as a species.
- -1
Looking out to the stars
Think about what you are
What do they think of you
Animals in their zoo
They haven't got the time
Landing's not on their minds
How do they have the nerve
We're animals in preserve

They watch us all
They're only making sure that we
Don't trip and fall
Now they look so hard
But they can't tell us why they're
Here and just what for
Because they don't know
Who opened up the door
The second and third stanzas describe how humans look out into the Universe seeking the Great Answer while wondering if there isn't some Creator out there (in the form of stars being eyes in a metaphoric way) gazing down upon his flock. Secondly the Creator hasn't the time to answer our questions nor will (he) try to because we are supposed to find our own path and to discover what our existence is about.
+ 1
We sailed away
We walked 2 thousand miles
And then we slipped away
We looked so hard
But couldn't seem to find just what
The world was for
Now we know
Just what the journey's for
I take the first stanza to be about where humankind finds itself at the precipice of the turn of the century - specifically 2,000 years since Christ and after having lost our way through war, strife, hunger, etc. With a look to the future we humans find ourselves still wondering about the meaning of creation and our existence.
+ 3
The song begins in such a way as to sound like a song about two sweethearts remembering the old days - when they first fell in love. That hooked me back when it debuted back in the early 1980's. It's a very good song - one which should have launched Zebra into a prolific career. Nonetheless, we are blessed to have such a timeless song to listen to.
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