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+ 1
If I could have a beer with Jesus
Heaven knows I’d sip it nice and slow
You probably already know what this means. He's saying that if he got an opportunity to have a beer with Jesus, he would drink slowly and spend as much time as possible.
+ 4
I wish words were like little toy guns
No sting, no hurt no one, Just a bang bang rolling off your tongue
(I wish words were like little toy guns)
No smoke, no bullets, no kick from the trigger when you pull it
No pain, no damage done
She wishes words were like toy guns, which don't cause any harm. Unlike real guns. Toy guns don't cause as much hurt as a real gun.
+ 3
In between the coats in the closet
She held on to that heart shaped locket
Staring at a family flawless
But it ain't a pretty picture tonight
A little girl is listening to her parents fight. She looks at an old family photo, while sitting in her closet. She's reminiscing how her family was before, compared to now.
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