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Wrong she did not die in a car crash, I heard from a friend who talked with them after a show and her friend said "You should of played Emily" and Matt replied "No no we don't play that song" they obviously asked why and he simply replied "It's complicated" if she was "dead" he would of just said dead there's nothing complicated about death itself. There is a rumor suggesting that this song is about when Sonny Moore was on tour, his girlfriend (who wasn't called Emily by the way) cheated on him and ended up with a kid. But as I said that is one of a thousand different rumors. In all fairness this song it perfectly constructed to keep you guessing and create your own meaning, tried myself and thought it was a long distance relationship and he just can't wait to be with her. But hey that's what good song writing is about, it makes you think "why" a lot and question the songs meaning. Well have fun and happy listening, and just create your own meaning, it becomes a lot more personal and relevant to yourselves. It gives a song a new leash of life when it's personal to you.
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