I think that this song is really about how you can keep with the simple things, such as just riding your bike with no handlebars. It's a simple, innocent feat, that you bragged about as kids. But as the world grows and changes, and you grow and change, suddenly there's alot more not-so-innocent feats out there, and that every single human has this amazing potetential, and no one is going to tell us how to use it. Everyone has the potential to destroy the world in a holocoust, or they can write a comic, invent a new medicine, a new car. We all have the potential to do something great, devestating, or not. I think this is like a warning, think before you become overly amitious, try to take joy in the little, simple things, don't let amition take you over. Don't disregard the joy of riding your bike with no handlebars.