This song makes me want to smear honey in my ears and release fire ants and hornets in there so I will have an allergic reaction and swell so badly that I won't be able to hear the wretched croonings of this whiney mangirl. When I was young, I had a pet calf with lupus and he got stuck in a bear trap while running from a rabid badger, who caught up with him at the bear trap and gnawed off a good bit of his face. This song is similar to the wailing howls that unlucky baby cow made as his face was being pulled from his skull. I would rather be angrily sodomized by a drunken priest while my extended family watched than to hear that semi-sweet songstress bray out one single note. He should be tazered in the throat until his vocal chords are no more, then tazered in all other areas of his body, publicly, on the Oprah show, as restitution for his crimes against the ear. I really don't like this song. I mean, it's ok, I just hear it a lot on the radio, so.