0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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- -1
Haha this is my fav and probably the only song I like by him, so thank you tawny01 for understanding what I mean. I don't necessarily like him but I don't hate him. He's a decent singer and a pretty good dancer, I respect him for that. But he does sound a little feminine sometimes lol But he's growing! :) good song, good lyrics, and I'm glad ludacris can actually rap something that is clean :) I listen to this spng practically every day, and never get tired of it.
+ 2
This song is pretty much amazing. I feel such a connection to the girl, because it seems to me that she has been hurt so many times and suddenly she doesn't care anymore and continues to hurt other people, and there's this guy that he adores, but he can't do anything to help her, because it hurts too much. I relate to the girl because I've been hurt before to the point where I feel like I'm hurting others, and that's not right. So this song is an accountability and a confrontation that I shouldn't be so mean to my guy friends :)
+ 6
Confirmed, on an interview in Kiisfm she said this song was about Joe. At least I think so. *Checks memory* hmmm. I'm pretty sure. But hey I was half asleep when I heard it in the morning. Lol. Yeah this song is about how a guy said he loves her Forever and Always. But it's not true and she's all questioning herself thinking, what did I do wrong? You know every girl needs to know that your perfect the way you are! There is nothing wrong with you. If a guy leaves you, that is his problem! He missed out on A great girl! And, unless your qualified for marriage age (and please don't flame me for this) any guy who says there with you forever and Always. Drop it cold because most likely it won't be forever. He just wants something from you. And guys not to hurt on your pride, your perfect the way you are, its just I have alot of heart broken girls at the moment because they said "Forever&Always" No Joke.
+ 4
This song is about friendships, but one thing I never got was what did it mean, "How to save a life?" Thx to Tinktastic I understand. Its so sad and I know a couple of people who are pretty close to suicidal and at times I have to give everything up so my friends won't kill themselves. It's hard and I can understand the pain from this song, when if I fail, I'll feel exactly what it means.
+ 7
This song really hits the "I love you but you don't love me" relationship. Its really strong when the song describes her fantasies or memories then says "images" meaning its not real, or its pointless to think about it when it won't happen. The song takes it to level deeper by showing that she liked him, he doesn't, she's okay with it, but the guy continues to hurt her. She wonders, "I never wanted you to be unhappy, thought you'd want the same for me" It takes a very deep level of the break-up and shows the pain. It makes me a cry alot too.
+ 3
Not only does this song relate to relationships, it relates to problems in your family, or even friends that You had fights with. This song really helped me after a very crappy day. My best friend and I got into a fight, my ex wants me back but then just went with another girl (my friend), then an old flare of mine has a new gf who thinks I'm a threat and is sending me alot of hate mail. What's worse, she's a best friend to my life long friend that I've known since pre-k. This song really spoke to me and said, its going to hurt but it will get better eventually. You just have to believe and wait.
- -3
Yeah, I love this tune too. But right now this song holds a little more meaning to me. Before I would have said that the songs great, but the lyrics not so good. In fact I feel like that about alot of Akon songs. Its just that this song sort of relates to me and my ex. We still like each other but there are alot of things that are keeping us apart. So yeah, just 1 upgrade.
+ 2
Well there is this kid in my class and I like him alot. He's tall, understanding and fun to hug. But he likes my two good friends and is falling for them all the time. I think he's trying to make me jealous. Anyways this song relates because I really do feel invisible and I do know him better then my two friends. He's so amazing and I love him. His smile lights the entire room and he makes my day.
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