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+ 1
haven't talked in quite some time
I know
I haven't been the best
Of sons
I've been traveling in
The desert of my mind
And I
Haven't found a drop
Of life
I haven't found a drop
Of you
I haven't found a drop
Of water

I try
I don't even think Tyler is religious. I was watching interviews other him where the question of God came up and he totally avoided it by saying that, if that why people want to think then that's cool but he focuses on the message and helping people, not necessarily religion. That being said in all of his song where it sounds like he's talking to or about God he always follows it up with doubt. Like in this song for example. I think he's trying to reach out God saying that he hasn't been the best but he's been searching within him self and he hasn't found anything, no refuge, not Him. "I haven't found a drop of you". He's lost.
+ 3
It's me defending in suspense.
It's me suspended in a defenseless
He always feels like hes waiting endlessly for the thoughts in his head to stop. His thoughts keep getting worse making him feel like hes constantly being tested.
+ 2
What I shouldn't do I will fight
He knows he was never evil and that the oppressive energy around him was never who he actually was. "What I shouldn't do I will fight" - so when hes faced with a tough situation, something he shouldn't do, he will fight to not indulge, he will fig to do the right thing.
- 0
Tomorrow I'll keep a beat
Despite everything a new day will come and he's just going to keep being him and not miss a beat.
- 0
Is that who I truly am?
I truly don't have a chance
He's replying to the up above lyrics "I'm evil tot the core What I shouldn't do I will They say I'm emotional What I wan tot save I kill."
People around him are judging him and telling him that he's a bad person. So here he's reflecting on his life wondering if that's who he really is / what he's become. "is that who I truly am?" Tyler is realizing that he's stuck, he can't seem to get people to understand him or where he is coming from. He feels trapped and can't progress.
+ 1
Down in the forest,
We'll sing a chorus,
One the ever body knows.

Hands held higher,
We'll be on fire,
Singing songs that nobody wrote
I think the Forest represents a safe place. Somewhere where he can be his own and not worry about his emotions or his changing life. The forest is a safe place for everyone. Here they can all come together and sing songs, everyone is included. "One that everybody knows". But down in the forest- your safe place - you don't have to worry about being proper (i.e. giving credit to the person who wrote the songs). These songs - nobody wrote - making the songs magic, making the forest magic and safe.
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