Who abide in His shadow for life
Not sure what the artist was saying but to me my interpretation is this … "Who abides in His Shadow for Life" For I hide in the shadow of the Almighty. He is my refuge, my security, through, he holds every fiber of my being. My life is in his hands and I am only alive through the Grace and Mercy of God.
Trust is a word that lays a foundation upon the rock of Jesus to me. For Trust is not earned you can not earn it, you can not give it to another, you can not buy it to hold over another, nor share it if you have not received it from God. It comes only through the Power of Love and learning to hear the Holy Spirit. For it is like that faith of a mustard seed, God dwells within us all, it is a matter of faithful steps you take in your pathway with Jesus. Trusting means to know no matter what he has your back. A foundation must have a cornerstone to stand firmly.
Sometimes daily living can be hard it throws burdens at us that we need a break from. What I find is that when I am at the point of breaking and need a break I take it to God.
I love my time with God, some may not understand but to me it is a personal walk, and he is my shelter and refuge. He gives me reassurance, that he has me covered in the shelter of his wings when I am weary. For he is my king and I am his child.