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- 0
Sampai harus ku pergi
Menuju aku kepadamu jadi satu
Meraih kasih kita

Jauh terbawa lukisan hatimu
Hilang mencari di mana kau pergi
Tinggal aku menahan luka ini
Sampai harus ku pergi
Until, I should move on
I come towards you, unite with you
Hoping, win our love

So far, I've taken the painting of your heart
Disappeared, searching where you've gone
Left me to bear this broken heart
Until, I should move on
- 0
Jauh terbawa lukisan hatimu
Warna pelangi hiasan terindah

Hati ini tak akan terbahagi
So far, I've taken the painting of your heart
Colorful, like rainbows in the sky,
My heart is still for you
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Berjalan tenang menghampiri persisiran
Melakar namamu di sisi pasir pantai
Pastinya hilang, tidak rasaku kepadamu
I've come across towards the shore,
Been sketching your name on the sands,
It will gone, but not my feelings towards you
- 0
Engkau bagaikan bintang-bintang di angkasa
Hanya mampu melihat kamu yang terbiar
Walaupun sakit, walaupun pedih tak berdaya
You are like the stars in the sky,
I only could watch you from a far,
Even though it hurts, feel powerless.
- 0
Jauh terbawa lukisan hatimu
Hilang mencari di mana kau pergi
Tinggal aku menahan luka ini
Sampai harus ku pergi
So far, I've taken the painting of your heart
Disappeared, searching where you've gone,
Left me to bear this broken heart,
Until, I should move on
- -2
Terangi malamku dengan syair indahmu
Menenun kasih dalam sepi yang terasing
Saat kau pergi, lemasku bila tiadamu
Shine my evening with your beautiful poetry
Weave love in an isolated desert
The second you went away, I'm drowning when you're gone
- -1
Tenanglah duhai jiwa
Tebarlah tulus doa
Ku kepadanya saatku tiada

Tuhan Jaga dia untukku
Kala ku masih jauh
Bagai menghitung resah berkepingan berderaian
Calm my soul
Send him my prayer
The time I'm not with him

God please take care of him for me
The time I'm far way from him
Just like I'm counting the restless that falling apart
+ 1
Mahu ku bersama
Mahu ku ke sana diriku tak disini lagi
Waktu tak bicara
Lama terasa seakan terhenti mengiringiku
I want to be with you
I want to be there as I'm not here anymore
Time is freeze
So long felt as time pass by
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