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@taddz if you think that all creation just happened by chance, please consider this: the chance of just 20 things occurring in a certain order is 1 in 2. 4x10^18. Take humans for example; we have 206 bones in our body so to keep the numbers round we'll take it to 200. The chance for 200 bones to occur in perfect order is 1 in 10^375! Mathematicians say that anything over 10^50 is absolutely impossible. Now if you take that reasoning and apply to the universe and to earth itself it is quite impossible for it to happen by chance. But more importantly I posted this not to prove you wrong but to prove my god and creator true. "for since the creation of the world god's invisible qualities.. Have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. " romans 1: 20 :)
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