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Now I’m alone
Based off of the previous line it is possible that Seabra was worried that their love wouldn't last, noting that they had reservations about entering this relationship and despite taking the chance they were right and ended up alone while the subject has gone and started a new relationship with someone else.
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Trusted you despite my reservations
Despite having been nervous or listening to the gut feeling in their stomach that something was off with the subject they trusted them with their feelings.
+ 4
Yeah, you're my Robin Hood
Just like Robin Hood the subject of this song is a thief.

Historians who have traced the myth of Robin Hood trace it back to Wales, where the earliest recording note that Robin Hood was a basic highway thief instead of someone who stole from the rich and gave to the poor.
+ 1
I gave you all I had to lose
Seabra here means that they gave all of their love and probably more to the person that they had this relationship with. In fact Seabra gave them everything that they held dear because they gave the subject all I had to lose.
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He handed me a pair of pliers
And he told me to pull out his teeth
Although the more common explanation for the line is that the singer is referring to an abuser who is forcing/or asking them to remove the parts of them that cause damage to those around them. As following the them and the name dog teeth. It is very likely that she is referring to canine teeth or incisors which are used for tearing and causing damage. Damage which the man has caused.
+ 6
He handed me a pair of pliers
And he told me to pull out his teeth
This could refer to the way that some people in relationships ask someone else to fix their problems for them. In this case 'he' is asking the singer to "pull out his teeth" rending him incapable to preform violent acts as described in the next to lines. By handing her the pliers he has given them the tools themselves, indicating a want or need to change but an inability or desire to actual change on their own instead forcing someone else to do it for him.
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