I think this song is about how people don't think about the bigger picture. They fail to see the forest through the trees. People think about themselves. Not intentionally though, not because that's how people are, but because we choose to ignore the flaws of society. People at some point adopt this philosophy that ignorance is bliss, we choose to ignore whats wrong with the rest of the world and just look out for ourselves. We think that by being concerned only with ourselves that we will have a better life, but eventually our greed and self-loathing comes back to bite each of us. By being selfish we are hurting ourselves and the rest of the world.
The young boy was born with a good heart. Eventually he will mature and become like the rest of us. Becoming concerned only with his own well being and nobody else. Ignoring his true emotions, he will abandon his concern and love for others and in exchange adopt the life of self-centeredness and greed that most people live by.