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+ 2
Read 3 coments below to start my rant. The "it only hurts just once its only broken bones hind the hate in side" is him showing his resolve to protect w/e it is but he hates it for makeing him waste his life. And the holding on to tight breathe the breath of life so I can leave this world behind" is him holding on to his believe of w/e hes protecting as the only reason hes living and it helps him escape the tradeies of the real world for him.
+ 1
The full of fear everclear ill be here fighting forever" is just the fear of hie enemyis is obvious to him and hes resolved him self into continueing to fight. curious venomous youll find me climbing to heaven" is that he wants to escape his world for something better (he curiousity is spreading like a venom). Never mind turn back time youll be fine I will get left behind" he went back to what he was doing before to save someone or protect something.
+ 1
Wow you guys are really stuck on the climbing to heaven line. If you breack it down borederline dead inside I don't mind falling to peices" means that he does really feel like hes living so he doesnt mind dieing. then the count me in violent lets begin feeding the sickness" is him find a perposes " a violent one" and its wrong in some way and he helping in its wrong ness. How do I simiplify dislocate the enemy is on the way" he trying to convince him self into killing/fighting the enemy. The whole black and white thing is like theres right and wrong and he can see the grey in between and its making him feel guilty.
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