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The meaning of the song I got from it is this; She waits for love, been hurt by it. She's in a relationship now that things aren't going the way they use to so she begins to basically not care. The thing is she can't help but care. She wants to stay, no matter the problem becauase she believes he is love, Sent from heaven. And everyone knows how it is to be in a relationship and there are problems. Noone seems to care and noone does things that got them together anymore. So you say I can't do this anymore. You find yourself giving up easy on love cause you think your in love, as you know it, love hurts but you's rather be with him cause you feel that he is everything you've wanted, hence Sent From Heaven, Heven sent. I love this song cause I have been hurt many by past relationships that can make you think this new one just aint workin but this is a love that you just can't let go of. I hope you all understand what I am trying to say. Ha. God Bless.
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