0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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I believe that it refers to a man from Scotland or Ireland coming to the newly discovered land, finding true love with a native American woman and she chooses him over the wealthy men who offer riches and properties....which meant Nothing to Native Americans (or other native peoples, only European invaders and others of the northern Europe and Asia countries who invaded and conquered the rest of the world with their superior technology in the form of weapons of war). Natives valued things they could see as gifts from the Gods they served, not invisible things like the northern Europe and Asian people. So this poor man from Scotland or Ireland won her love because of his honesty and LOVE and Respect for her and her culture. She chooses him...he is amazed and grateful and composes this song in response to this TRUE LOVE!!!
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