0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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+ 2
I think this song is about this guy trying to persuade a girl to call him up whenever she wants to hook up like not dating and all that boyfriend and girlfriend sh*t but like friends with benefits, if you know what I mean *wink wink* So basically the song is just a hook up type song like "cmon babe just call me and we'll do the deed ;)" Proof of this is things like the song obviously stating "moan in the darkness" and the name of the song like temporary fix sounds like something that obviously is only gonna be temporary like hooking up with this awesome guy who'll make you feel amazing.
+ 4
out tonight, changes into something red
Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress
Reminds her of the
The artist is saying that this mother doesn't like to see her "little girl" growing up and how her daughter is her only piece of innocence because the mother doesn't want her daughter to make the same mistakes that she had made in the past. She wants to protect her daughter from making the same mistakes.
+ 13
running 'round her head
He's waiting
The artist is saying that the guy is trying to hide himself by smoking a cigarette because he doesn't want this girl to notice just how nervous he really is.
+ 5
[Chorus: Harry Styles]
We're only
This may be the whole theme of the song because they are getting older and have to face reality that not everything will be given to them or be a fairy tale their whole life so even if something bad happens it will never really change their relationship because they are in this together and no matter what happens it will never change their relationship.
+ 3
Going out tonight, changes into something red
Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress
Everything she never had, she's showing
The artist is remembering how his girlfriend came on their first date because her mother didn't want her to grow up and she didn't want her to dress up like an adult and this girl was showing off her legs and her chest trying to make herself better than the other girls to look more like an adult and she had never really done that before.
+ 2
A long way from the playground
They are saying that this isn't a little thing in middle school or high school. He really loves this person and face the reality that they are growing up and he means every word he's ever told her. He truly deeply loves her!
- -9
Taste, on my tongue
I don't want to wash away the night before
This artist wants to keep doing what he did to this girl aka sexual activity and wants to feel it again and taste her again.
+ 14
Waking up, beside you I'm a loaded gun
I can't contain this anymore
The artist can no longer resist his sexual urges towards this person and he can't contain his urge to do things to her.
+ 10
sleeping baby by yourself
Or are you giving it to someone else
Tryna find
The artist is asking the girl if she's still a single pringle or if she's already moved on by you know "giving it" to another person aka sexual activity instead of sleeping alone. This is coming from a fangirl really so if you're thinking this is dirty minded, oh well!
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