One last note. Big industrys like oil etc. They pay our politicains to keep us on thier agenda. To keep us lambs following the shepard without question which is why if you read a vote ballot and propositions they can't sum up something simple for what you could be voteing for really is. They do a s*t load of verbal and written gymnastics. Which makes most skratch thier heads like wtf! Yeah it may sound like yeah this is good. To someone who doesn't really follow or may vote to pass something cause the first sentance sounds good. " bite the hand that feeds" we are the hand that feeds. Every working american in this country we pay our taxes we pay the salarys. And way marked up salarys for every gov't idiot in office. The interests arent ours anymore. Its the interests of these supergiant companys buying out who are sapposed to be our leaders to make thier own agenda's for yet more money, which makes the industry lapdogs more money. The people want alternatives. Not a war mongering industry the lines our gov't leaders wallets with more money to keep us stupid and we vote for them. Yeah get the mtv generation to vote. Blindedly which is what they hope for. Ok I'm done ranting but yea like Avenged. I'm pissed.