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+ 5
It's a story about a woman desperately trying to have a loving relationship with a man who's incapable of that. She insists on a relationship with him, because she believes that she can transform him through love and sacrifice, and make him realise that he actually loves her. He warns her that he has nothing to give, but he still gets into a relationship with her for the comfort. It hints beautifully at the bizarre and dysfunctional ways they manage to connect and attach to each other, and the failure to go deeper. She gives him her all, but he still has nothing to give, and he even keeps hurting her. Still, she doesn't stop hoping that he will eventually heal, and only then he will realise that he loves her. This is the saddest part about it, because she can't accept the failure and give up, entrapping herself in this miserable situation. Unless she's a masochist, which is possible, because at no point does she raise any expectations and is always coming from a perspective of altruism, but that's equally sad too. The moral of the story being: if somebody is in a deep dark place, showing them the light of love is not always enough to lure them out of there. She sounds very much like somebody with a savior complex.
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just his fig.

She said "how
She still didn't give up hope, even after she gave this relationship all and got nothing out of it. This being the closing line leaves the possibility open that this might go on like this forever.
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small and he was big

She became so small, he could lift her, body and heart and all.
He held her up naked
The previous metaphor of sexual submission, grows into a metaphor that encompasses their whole relationship where she gives over to him body and soul, and makes himself completely vulnerable to him.

"he held her up naked" suggest she was in his, in his hands having given herself completely over to him.

"she was just his fig" can mean two things:
- the fig is a fruit that one merely consumes, it could mean that he was only able to use her
- fig leaf is what Adam and Eve covered themselves with to hide their shame after committing the original sin. In this case it would mean that their their relationship could only help him cover up his problems/shame, but not overcome them.

In either case it is a very sad outcome, because after she gave him all she had, it didn't make much of a difference to him.
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together later piece by piece

And it became a game they played, under the blankets
In the bed, pretending she was
The abuse continued to the bedroom, but here it was just a game.

"In the bed, pretending she was small and he was big" hints at games of dominance and submission.
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lie to find some peace

She broke from all his words, but she was made of mercury,
She'd come
He became verbally abusive, "broke" her, but she always recovered. The word "would" suggest that this happened repeatedly, it was a pattern.
+ 1
you know? Maybe you are".

She peeled his skin away, so every day he'd cry
And in those tears he'd
"peeled his skin away" means she got to know him layer by layer, exposing the core of his being. This was very painful for him.

"in those tears he'd lie to find some peace" means it didn't really help him, but he told her it did, probably because she knew that's what she was doing it for.

Him enduring what is essentially a torment from her, and even pretending that it got her closer to her goal of making him happy suggest, that at his point he's getting attached to her, and want's to keep her around.
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into my throat"

She said "don't worry babe, I'll
She assures him that he doesn't expect him to do the work of emotionally opening up, because she will do the work for him, through opening herself up to him.

"and laid down on his road" is a metaphor to that she didn't give him a choice. When you're driving a car and somebody lies down on the road, you can't continue without dealing with it first.
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a spoon

He said "I'll never see again...
My eyes are sorta twisted inwards, deep
He's so focused on his own misery, that he can't see outside of himself, and he doesn't believe he ever can. He's explaining her why he's not emotionally available.
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She said "I'll make you smile again" and made an airplane
Out of some pretty words put in
She was confident that she could and wanted to make him happy again. She didn't give him a choice.
The next line is a metaphor: when children don't want to eat something, parents pretend the spoon is an airoplane, to distract the child from eating something they don't want. It means that even though he didn't want the relationship and to change, she wasn't aggressively ramming it down his throat, but she used gentleness ("pretty words") to to get past his defence.
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They met when he was in a hospital
He whispered "I ain't got no heart" into the
Hospital symbolises sickness, but in this case it means his soul was sick, he was in a very dark place of his life. He declares that he's unable to love, not available for a meaningful relationship.
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