0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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+ 1
Wow, I don't even freaking want to know. Anyways. This is a really good song, I don't give a crap what it's about and by the way, I know this was a while ago, but if every other word of whatever your saying is a swear word, you'll never get your point across, and everyone will just think that your just a stupid a*, who doesn't have any proof behind their words.
+ 15
My favorite quote: people are effing idiots! Hello, American Idiot, kinda fits that. Perfectly. Media sucks, and look at stupid things like the commercial for The Wave. They expect us to run out and buy it because Vanessa Hudgens supposedly uses it, and we do! Are people really stupid enough to believe that she uses it? She's getting paid people! Look at how every single one of Miley Cyrus concerts is Always full. (Btw, she really sucks) It's because everyone has made her seem completely perfect, and that she can do no wrong, and this is the stupidest, greediest country, because all anyone cares about is having money, and having people know who they are. Most people get some strange joy out of having random people know their name. Me? It creeps me out. (have you ever had someone you don't know come up and say "Hi! (Insert your name here) What's up?" It is just weird! This song describes this perfectly. What is the enjoyment out of being famous? Not having the freedom to walk out of your own house without being bombarded by people who just want their fifteen minutes of fame? What kind of life is that? Sorry about my little rant, I get carried away easily.
+ 4
I have never heard this song sung by a girl before. The only person I have ever heard sing this song is my step-dad, and I like it, but I just think it's different. I think she is just saying that you just have to relax and take life as it comes, because if you don't, then you just make everything so much more complicated than it really needs to be.
+ 3
This song has a really sad meaning. It means that even though it hurts, and it couses you personal pain, that true love is wtching someone die, that true love is always being there for someone, no matter how much it hurts you, it is saying that you will be there when they die, because that's what true love is, putting them before yourself. It is very sweet, but very sad.
+ 4
This song is saying that it is over-rated, be your own person, and don't let the media, control what you do. The media, and celebrities control everything we do now, and yeah America is stupid. Yes other countries have models, and fashion shows, like France, but America is the worst. We are the laziest, we just sit around and do very few every day, we practically crave the media, and we are obsessed with hearing about celebrities that are just horrible, and we don't even care what is going on. Global warming is going to happen, and usually all people think is 'eh whatever I won't be alive then', or 'Well that's a good thing we can walk around in bathing suits all the time' Not Right people! Sorry for my rant!
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