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I think you've got it exactly right, "Suzi-Q..."! But this song is also talking about Love for Life. Pleading to be given back that Love for Life. Tracy is one of the minority of people, like me, and perhaps like you too, who "truly, madly, deeply" faces and cares about what's really going on in the world, and that often makes us despair of hope for anything changing enough for the better in the world. Tracy's heart is so big and so open, that it of course hurts to live. But God be with her, and all of us; may we face All Truth, no matter how painful; and may God give us the strength and the Hope to be the change we wish to see in world. I believe Tracy Chapman does this. Thank you so much, Tracy! (And thank you, Sis, for turning me onto her years ago!) I Love You and "I Life You", Tracy!
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