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+ 2
My ex-boyfriend has been through four deployments in 8 years to Iraq and Afghanistan. He is by far one of the strongest people I know. Without a doubt he will tell you that Avenged Sevenfold got him through every last painstaking minute of his multiple tours. As an infantry soldier, leader, and fan he makes me proud every second of every day. We are stationed at Fort Eustis, Va and he took me to Pennsylvania to see Avenged sevenfold in concert. We drove 13 hours round trip. I didn't really understand what he meant by "this band got me through" until I saw them in concert and saw the look on his face as they played. He knew every word to every single song. It was then that I saw what he has been through and what the band to has endured with the loss of the Rev. Mikeee is getting the death bat tattoo in honor of the Rev and the band and what they're music did for him in the way of getting him through his tours. He is now retiring by no choice of his own because of ptsd and a brain injury he survived luckily after an ied explosion. So thank you to Avenged and god for bringing him back alive and for giving him the strength to lead and keep fighting for all of us. We may not be together anymore but I will always be proud of what he has done and what he has given up to be a us army Infantry soldier.
+ 3
My ex-boyfriend has been through four deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. He is one of the strongest people I know. Avenged sevenfold got him through every one of his deployments. He took me to see them in May of this year in Pennsylvania. We are stationed in Fort Eustis, Va so we drove 13 hours round trip. His face lights up every time he hears them and he knows every word to every song they ever sang. He is having the death bat tattoo'd on his chest in honor of what avenged sevenfold has got him through. He is an infantry soldier who now has to retire from doing what he loves because he suffers ptsd and a brain injury from an ied explosion. He is an wonderful person and I am grateful that he made it back alive thanks to god and avenged sevenfold. So thank you for giving him the drive to push on.
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