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We have names for "Christians" like footkick. Maybe if he would go to a Bible believing church he would know these names as well. I would consider him a "lukewarm" to "cold" "Christian" if he's even one at all. Maybe if he'd crack open a Bible he would find out that Jesus criticized beliefs all the time (when talking with the Pharisees). And it's disconcerning that footkick would state that he's tired of defending his faith. You should never be tired of defending your faith no matter what the circumstances are. Instead you should always be prepared and ready. And by the way, Jesus does not accept everybody. He rejects the sinner only until the sinner realizes he has the sin. Only then does that wall between us and God come down. This would be the acceptance of God's forgiveness. God can not look upon sin. This is why He turned his back on Jesus during the crucifixion. So, to try and make a naive point that God accepts everybody regardless of their beliefs is severely misguided and uneducated. Like I said, go to church. They tend to talk about this kind of stuff from time to time.
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