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+ 2
This whole song is, well first of all really beautiful in my opinion, but it's all really morbid too. "The lyrics "Two corpses we were, two corpses I saw/ They'd find us in a week" of "In a Week" revolve around an upland area known as the Wicklow Mountains or Wicklow Hills near Hozier's hometown of Bray. "Anytime you hear 'Wicklow Hills', it's usually before or after the words 'a body was found'," said Hozier." The song can be interpreted differently by different people, it could be said that these two lovers went to this beautiful place to get away from other people and that they both committed suicide there (very Romeo&Juliet). Or it could even be interpreted that this beautiful place is where these two lovers where senselessly murdered and their bodies were just left there to rot. Either way - this song is definitely about death and dying, something that seems to pop up in lots of Hozier's song. It's really a beautiful song, and I think the message can be different between people, but ultimately I think it wonderfully compares death to love, and vice versa.
- 0
When the buzzards get loud
After the insects have made their claim
After the foxes have known our taste
After the raven has had his say
When the buzzards get loud, buzzards are also scavengers, and they're known for circling around their prey and fighting over food - so the loudness comes from their wanting to be there first to eat and fighting over it with each other.
Insects and foxes and ravens are all references to these animals that will eat their bodies, that will benefit from their deaths.
+ 2
And they'd find us in a week
When the cattle'd show fear
After the insects have made their claim
After the foxes have known our taste
I'll be home with you, I'll be home with you
When the cattle show fear - when they skim around these dead bodies.
After the insects have eaten through their flesh.
After the foxes (which are scavengers) have fed off their bodies, "known our taste."

Again "I'll be home with you," they're happy to be there, because they're there together. The romeo/juliet feels coming in here again.
+ 1
We'll lay here for years or for hours
Your hand in my hand, so still and discreet
So long, we'd become the flowers
We'd feed well the land and worry the sheep
We'll lay here for years or for hours - it depends on if you want to think of this as a graveyard or a dumpsite. For years they'll stay rotting. Or for hours until the police find their bodies.

Your hand in my hand so still and discreet - again follows the dead lovers theme.

They'd become the flowers - their bodies would decompose and they'd in essence become the new flowers in the field.
They'd feed the land - their bodies decomposing, worry the sheep, the sheep in this field. I mean, it's a bit self-explanatory. The sheep would be frightened of these bodies rotting.
+ 2
I have never known sleep like this slumber that creeps to me
I have never known colors like this morning reveals to me
And you haven't moved an inch such that I would not know
If you sleep always like this, flesh calmly going cold
Never known sleep like this slumber that creeps to me--usually we refer to people dying as they're just going to sleep for a very long time. This slumber is death.

Never known colors like this morning reveals to me - killed in the night and the sun is rising.
It could also be interpreted that these people aren't dead yet - that they're slowly dying. Which would very much make sense since their 'heart beats are going slow."

You haven't moved an inch - this other lover is dead. If you sleep always like this, flesh calmly going cold - obviously another reference to death and dying.
- -1
And they'd find us in a week
When the weather gets hot
After the insects have made their claim
I'll be home with you, I'll be home with you
They'd find them in a week, when the weather gets hot because obviously these rotting corpses are going to start to fester and smell really horrible - that attracts attention.
After the insects have made their claim - after maggots and worms and flies have eaten away at their flesh.

"I'll be home with you," this is once again the romeo/juliet feels that echoe throughout the song, though way more morbid.
These two lovers came to this place of death to either commit suicide, or they were both murdered here together. Whichever way you wish to interpret the song, it's very morbidly beautiful.
- -1
We'll lay here for years or for hours
Thrown here or found, to freeze or to thaw
So long, we'd become the flowers
Two corpses we were, two corpses I saw
We'll lay here for years or for hours - it depends on if you want to think of this as a graveyard or a dumpsite. For years they'll stay rotting. Or for hours until the police find their bodies.

Thrown here or found to freeze or to thaw - they're just dumped in this place, or they've already been discovered. To freeze or to thaw - to freeze in the night, or to thaw (as in they've been found). Or it could be a reference to frozen cadavers to preserve evidence in morgues and such.
+ 1
A thousand teeth and yours among them, I know
Our hungers appeased, our heart beats becoming slow
A thousand teeth could either be a reference back to the maggots that are feeding on this body, OR it could refer to other bodies around this one corpse - maybe a graveyard, or a dumpsite for a serial killer. "Yours among them I know," these two people came here to die, two lovers dead. Kind of like romeo/juliet feels throughout the whole song.
+ 1
I have never known peace like the damp grass that yields to me
I have never known hunger like these insects that feast on me
This is talking about a corpse essentially. This person is already dead but they're more at peace than they've ever been.

I have never known hunger like these insects that feast on me - reference to maggots. This is a rotting body.
- -2
Love with every stranger the stranger the better
Love with every stranger the stranger the better
Love with every stranger the stranger the better
Love with every stranger the stranger the better
Love with every stranger the stranger the better
Love with every stranger the stranger the better
This could all just be a way of saying to appreciate all the lives around you and the fact that we're all living completely different lives. Falling in love with a stranger could mean falling in love with the idea of a stranger - the stranger they are the better because that means you could essentially create your own story for them. If that makes sense.

I get the feeling this person is just saying to appreciate the life around you, and the little things in life, even if they might be made up and untrue.
+ 5
Some like to imagine
The dark caress of someone else I guess any thrill will do
Some people like to imagine themselves with other people, maybe even if they're already in a relationship. "I guess any thrill will do," probably refers back to the "the art of scraping through," in that if these dark thrills help people scrape through, then what does it matter?

Although it could be taken in a wholly different way, in that this guy is judging these people "I guess any thrill will do," could be seen as condescending as well.
- -3
There's an art to life's distractions
Somehow escapes the burning weight the art of scraping through
There's an art to life's distractions - might be that he sees art in everything, including things that are just considered distracting, like backround noise, traffic, etc. He finds beauty and meaning in the little, "annoying," things.

Somehow escapes the burning weight the art of scraping through - not entirely sure what this means here, I mean the art of scraping through is a bit self explanatory, but "somehow escapes the burning weight," could mean lots of different things. (Sorry that's a really bad explanation).
+ 2
And so I fall in love just a little ol' little bit
Every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit every day with someone new
I fall in love just a little ol' little bit every day with someone new
He falls in love. I mean this is a bit self explanatory, and of course "I fall in love," won't be the universal "love at first sight" type of love - I think it's more like he focuses on those elected perfections and that's what makes him "fall in love" with strangers.
+ 7
Would things be easier if there was a right way
Honey there is no right way
Would things be easier if there was a right way, maybe a right way to express feelings, to feel love, the right way to assume things about a person to guess to... not entirely sure.

I get the feeling he means "if there was a right way," to show affections, or to say you love someone, but of course that's all subjective and dependent from person to person so "Honey there is no right way."
+ 5
Electing strange perfections in any stranger I choose
He finds things about people--strangers in the street--that he can deem perfect. He elects them, meaning he picks and chooses the things he likes about them and focuses on those things. Maybe even when they're "perfections" he's made up on his own, they could be completely untrue, because of course these people he finds perfections in are strangers.
+ 2
Don't take this the wrong way
You knew who I was every step that I ran to you
Only blue or black day
She knew exactly who he was. He didn't have anything to hide from her - except for maybe "blue or black days," might be a reference to him being in fights? Or possibly an abusive relationship?

Or, blue or black days could mean his mood that day - he feels beaten, or like beating someone up. Or blue or black days could perhaps be taken quite literally, in that the day is bright and blue, or stormy and black.
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