I just don't like this song because I love this song. When I first heard it said that it was a good song the perfect song that I was searching this song was one of the songs that completes my puzzle. And I can say that this is one of my song. (but not literally). For me this song is all about the people who is thirsty of the word of God, searching for something that'll complete them, wanting something important, and for those who work so hard but it is not rewarded properly. This song is for the people that is incomplete, for those who are in need, for those who are broken, for those who are searching things that is unseen, to those people. The Lord is saying to them he is just in our side. That he will never leave us nor forsake us even what ever happen, he will always and forever by your side. So to the people who think they are alone broken and everything God is just by your side asked and go to his side he will accept you always and forever. His perfect Love, his abundance mercy and His amazing grace. He is With us always.