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This is what the song is about: Clearly, Adam cleverly uses his "drug" reference in the song. It's a great song, but here is the real meaning. I've listened to this song countless times, and I have a feel for the lyrics. The "drug" he references is speed. If you are unfamiliar with the drug, look it up. The line, "With new taste for speed" obviously shows he is refering to speed. At first, this goes unnoticed, but if you look more closley at the lyrics, you can see the side effects. The drug speeds up life around you. It physically speeds up your heart, blood pressure, etc. "I feel your heartbeat" references the fact speed as make him or her "edgey" and he can feel excitment. Speed also tends to make you not tired and keep you awake. "For heaven's sake, keep me awake so I won't be caught off guard" Speed also makes your pupils larger. "Wide eyed". Finally, "And I'll blend up that rainbow above you and shoot it through your veins" references the injection. This is a great song, and there is other evidence that supports my idea, but I don't feel like sayin b/c this post is getting long. Please, id love to hear your feedback.
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