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The weapon of my choice is great balls of fire
He is speaking about the fireballs that images can conjure fourth.
+ 2
The writer is singing about why a powerful mage like him is forced to where a dress, even though it is in fact a robe. He ask the makers of the game why they make male mages wear girly looking dresses that are colorful and embedded with jewels. He finally accepts that he does, actually, look quite good in said "dress.".
- -1
Please don't be deceived by my current situation
He is on his weaker secondary character.
+ 2
This song is about a "World of Warcraft" player's character getting constantly killed by another, he keeps telling her that she will regret it when he has to go and log on to his main, higher level, character. She disregards his warnings and keeps killing him. Finally he is fed up with her "games" and logs into his main, travels clear across the world where she is and proceeds to try and kill her, only to have her buddy show up behind him. The girl and her friend then succeed in killing his most beloved main, who he thought was so powerful.
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