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Well. . Its wrong if somebody says that only girls are going through bad times about their love. Its really not about guys or girls, anyone can go through this damn thing. I ve been apart with my girl friend for more than a year and everyday is hard and even haridest coz whenever I think of her I fall in love again coz no one makes me feel like her, she is my love and will always be. I haven't seen her for a sucha long time and it really hurts me inside but everyday as it goes by reminds more of her and I just want her back in my life as it seems to be incomplete without her and when I happened to listen this lovely song I really felt like my heart is crying the loudest it can but huhhh, , I know she would never be back. But on the upside it really relieves when I hear that she quite happy and living her life at its fullest. Why does some misses some one so much and the other one doesn't even care, I really feel lonely.
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