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+ 4
They have already taken the souls of many through deception of medicine and telling people they have "mental illnesses" when these people only need jesus and maybe an exorcism. They are corrupting peples minds who listen to certain music and watch television. They are taking away our rights to knowledge, libraries are being eliminated, book stores are being overrun by furniture stores. And the internet is being controlled. We no longer have free speech. The constitution has been figuratively burnt up. Wake up america. You know what anonymous is sayingb is truth. Please believe it and put your hope I n jesus' word andc holy name before you lose your soul.
+ 2
Revelation says that "he" (illuminati) will cause all both small and great. Rich and poorto receive the mark of the beast. 666. Or you cannot buy and sell. And those who do not take the mark of the beast (rfid chip or verichip) will be killed. That's why anonymous says you can take my heartbeat. But you can't take my soul! If you don't get right with christ before then. The illuminati will take your soul!
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