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+ 3
Letting go of someone you really love. But you need to let go bcoz the love and relationship that you have wont ever work out. Facing the truth that you are not meant to be together. Accpting the fact that you need to let go even if you still love that person. So much! Even 8s too late to say this earl. I want you 2 know that. Before I let you go. I want to see you and tell you that I love you. And I'm so happy that u've left a smile in my heart. Tnx 4 the memories. I wll all treasure those laughters and tears.
+ 1
You love each other so much but you need to let go. And leave all the memories on ur past. Loving truly to each other but not destined to be together. :-(8 really hurts 2 let go, whn you really Love someone and face the fact that you are not meant to be together till forever. :-(i will nver forget you My 1st bf. Till now I think I'm still loving you. But I need 2 move on and accpt the fact that we are not meant to be.
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