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In 2010 I went to the hospital because of I had kidney stones the I could not pass and stayed in my right kidney. I was having routine surgery to have the stones removed. Before I went to surgery I needed to go to the bathroom 5 minutes later my temperature started going up to 106.8 F apparently the stones were blocking the kidney and I got septic to the point when I was able to have the surgery when my temperature went down to 103 F. My Urologist told me 2 weeks after in his office that he had called the ICU just to see if I was still alive. God put a song in my heart this morning, Because he lives we can face tomorrow. In 2016 after recovering from my 5th surgery I got Septic again and my Infection was severe and I was rushed to the hospital and the infection disease Doctor that I knew for many years told me that he was going to do everything he could to make me better in other words I could have Died. I thought of the song Because he live I can face tomorrow!
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