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+ 2
Yea I know what you mean. This song could work in this situation, but it could work in all kinds of situations. But the main theme is that God is taking action in her life. And she knows it, and that's her comfort. It doesn't really matter exactly what is wrong in her life, it's merely the fact that God is there for her and she feels him all around her that is important.
+ 4
I don't mean to sound rude, but I don't think this song would work on twilight, yes it might give a bit of adrenaline, but the song and the movie don't really mix. The movie and books are about vampires, and physical love towards each other. As we've argued on here, this song is most likely about her and her relationship with God. Of course if we were wrong, then sure, this might be great for twilight. But personally twilight has made negative effects in my life, and this song is too good for that.
+ 3
Well thankyou rockgirl for being understanding. Though flyleaf is a christian influenced band and works with christian record companies, they may have different aspirations. Though they could be what we believe (which I chose to believe) they could be simply the lowlifes jetman talked about. It is nice to talk to competent people about our religion, it's not a fairy tail, it just needs stronger representation. I chose to believe flyleaf is a strong aspect of that represenation though some people tend to take it a more literal or somewhat twisted way. But I'm just rambling, there's no point in me saying much more but thankyou for those who are strong, understanding people.
+ 3
Well I apologize if it sounded that way, but I was angry at an atheist who was talking about how this song was about s** and how God was overly angry and that the christian religion is a myth that clouds intelligent people's judgments. I don't know if you read some of the things he'd said in some of the previous pages but they really struck a nerve with me. His name is jetman.
+ 3
I completely agree with crescent wolf, though he is a wiccan and I am a christian he understands that there is something more to life. Just like jews, muslims, budhists, etc. The point is, scientists can prove their theories all they want (even though they don't do a good job of it since most past theories are based on assumptions) they can never prove that nature has a point in which people can truly be happy about. Sure you'll be into the s* and drugs and all nature has to offer, but if you want a dose of real optimism and joy, believe in something other than material. Crescent wolf, though I do not agree or believe the same way you do and wish you were a christian I do not know much about your religion. But it is something I will give a chance until proven otherwise, but the people of belief should all be respected, but atheism is what should be questioned and criticized most, because they're the one's who's lives are going nowhere.
+ 1
Well after a week and a half of waiting for a response from jetman I can only assume he has no other falicies to share with us, so I would like to close our "argument" with one last thing. Jetman spoke of how ambiguous we are about converting. I in turn replied that being open with christianity in modern times, though brave and highly respectable, is an unneffective process in which the people we are trying to convert will rarely listen to us without a bias that clouds there minds, just like jetman. His statements on how christian bands shed their God lyrics is absurd based on my statement as bands like flyleaf must, after entering a mainstream status, turn "praise" lyrics into "teaching" lyrics. Flyleaf does a good job in all of their songs to make a point that people agree with. Christians and non-christians alike. The point is to spread the basics of Christianity and not be so overbearing on the people who don't want to hear it. I love what flyleaf stands for and I believe they have saved many lives through there music. My advice would be to look at music without bias before hand, look at all possibilities of justification, and look deeper than typical modern day misconceptions that jetman was susceptable to. Be smart, and find something values more important than what is natural, we wont be hear for very long.
+ 1
Oh and I thought I might also add, jetman, what point could your life possibly have? Please tell me because I'm curious. Could it be putting down the people who are actually happy with their lives simply because of your selfish ego? Is it to have enough s* and natural stimulation that controls your pathetic life? The term "good" derives from ancient times when it had an actual meaning. Your definition of good has no value. Your use of good is nonsensical in comparison to ours. Otherwise what does yours mean? This giant mass of molecules shoved a few other molecules in another mass of molecules creating a surge of energy flowing through the two masses? What is the point? Seriously I want to know what you really think about this one so that I can understand what you are trying to say. Otherwise you sound idiotic when you don't back up your cases with evidence.
+ 1
Jeepers mister you'd like to take lil old me out? Seriously if I was a girl, what would your intentions have been? Angry s* after an argument over dinner? Sick pervert. No I'm actually a sixteen year old male with testosterone to spare, I'm just not the average guy who hides what he believes. And who goes right out and says they're going to convert someone so stubborn as you? What would you like me to say? " hello i will be your converter for this evening."? Why shouldn't I do it in a way so that you might actually find something you agree with and perhaps give it a chance by at least looking at all the other possibilities. But no you are so opinionated that you will not look beyond even your own statements. Thus might it have been a better idea to put you on slightly less of a defensive you are already in? Lets look at your statement against killing a woman. Yes I agree that this is a controversial statement, yet you have not even really thought about how it could be justified. Think about it psychologically, imagine actually killing a woman in present time. Though not all laws jump right to death row, imagine you are sentenced to death, but instead you wait years and years and years rotting in a prison shunned by everyone around you without a single pleasure of this world to perk you up. Then you are finally scheduled to die after the years of grief and torment from your piers. Death would feel to good. Imagine it in those times, though they didn't have high security facilities, a fine would do just nicely. Most people weren't exactly rich in these times, thus a fine would make you most likely poorer than poor. You are ignored on the streets because you are a shameful murderer, and you haven't even a penny to your name for the cheapest prostitute, eventually stealing would be your means of survival, then you come to the point in which stealing is what finally condemns you to the death you were probably already hoping for after the seclusion and grief of your actions. In my opinion killing a cow would be a much less painful punishment. Now did I miss anything on that subject? That brings me to the "bull***" part of our little discussion. Where is your evidence behind this cow turd? Doesn't this only prove that you are too opinionated and stubborn based on one set of standards you can not even justify? Does this not make you an uncredible source? I do not mean that I am going to believe every word I hear, that would only fill my life with more contradictions than I need. Obviously, but I give everything a chance by looking at all possibilities. I gave atheism a chance before, it doesn't have all of the answers. In a lot of cases the bible doesn't have all of the answers either, but it gives a lot more possibilities. This makes for better more fulfilling arguments in my opinion. Mathematical and scientific arguments are dull and limited, just because the universe is supposedly endless doesn't mean it's properties are. The beautiful thing about christianity (as well as religion altogether) is that you can argue about it endlessly. But only if you are caring enough to look at all the possibilities. Which also leads me to say that you must be absurd to take everything in the bible literally. Most of it is made up of poetic metaphores and analogies that can be interpreted in uncountable ways, and again, it was written by human hand which is typically filled with errors. I mean for the beautiful lords sake look at how many spelling mistakes are in my post alone. I can't believe all of these red lines. But the what is written as law is ultimately. Well law. Though a lot of times I disagree with them, I am still working on justifying them, and I am having a lot of success the more and more I look at all the possibilities. I've hit a lot of brick walls too, but I haven't given up yet. That's what separates me from you.
+ 1
Regardless of which context you used it in, I don't see how your statements have shed themselves of their empty and meaningless value. You seem like a smart person with your wide range of vocabulary and at least basic knowledge of religious texts yet you fail to realize the importance of each of these texts to not simply one religion. The bible was not written merely all at once in order to compose a series of laws to put people in their place, the bible is there to give the most accurate account of people who lived in these times. As members of a semi-intellectual race it is our responsibility to interpret all of these texts, not just one. And understand that these words were written by human hands with only the influence of God to support them, there is room for error. You are to realize the importance of all sides of all the issues in order to be true to a cause, or else you would never truly know if you were right or wrong. As a true intellectual you would understand the importance of this or else you live in the dark among these other aspects. But it does not seem that you have even tried to look at life through a different perspective other than seeing it as world of hypocracy and lies. Though I agree that most of it is a shameful world, I am looking at it through an optimistic point of view. Most christians muslims, jews, budhists, so on and so forth are looking at a beautiful future. Not beautiful as you consider s* and other natural stimulations which require instant gratification in which atheists with even the greatest superego can not control. The reason you don't control it is that you do not see the point in doing so, your life will be over, you are only going to enjoy what you have here. Fine by me if you chose to do so, and I am not here to convert you to see things my way, I am writing to defend our right to live without being critisized. Why do you care so much that we love a God who according to you does not exhist? Why do you care that we say things that to you, and pretty much just you, should only be said to a lover? To you christian music and its meanings are a joke and your handling them is, yes, extremely facetious and pointless. But in fact all you are proving is that your very life is a pointless joke as well, I suppose God does have a sense of humor. I must apologize for my "facetious" ranting. But I must conclude by saying that not only have you excluded all other important points of view but you have excluded other important factors as well that condemn your entire case. You have stereotyped christian bands in the sense of calling them music business whores, whether you meant all of them or not, it is not an effective case in which there is much evidence against this. There are all too many bands that are true to their calling and, though some might disagree, have gone "big" but still are christian based musicians. I am not afraid to say flyleaf is one of them. Take P. O. D. For instance, most people didn't believe they were christian until they arrive at a christian music festival to find that they were headlining. Though P. O. D. Is losing popularity, it never ceased to be a christian influenced hit. Not to mention switchfoot or relient K. Then there are the bands who are not necessarily mainstream yet are popular enough that a large part of the population has listened to them before. And these are people who aren't just religious figure heads, they're people who even as they are in retirement they are funding and creating mission trips as well as rehabilitation centers, shelters and even churches to war and poverty struck nations in Africa, Asia, or even some mishapen communities in the you. S. I agree though that there are many bands that use christian enterprise for selfish goals, but you are, how you say, "on the boarder retarded" for basing your analysis so broad. You go on living your lie, and you believe that everyone is as disgusting as you, but most importantly, have fun with it.
+ 1
Jetman and kardaine make a very valid point, that meaning we all have a bias before we begin to read something and it effects everyone in different ways. I can't help the fact that I'm not the one who is biased by filth and anger. It seems though that most people who are at least semi-competent would realize, based on natural fact though, what this world is made of. It is made of chemicals which are made of atoms and so on and so forth. S* is a way of reproducing ourselves and it is pleasurable because the body was made to make it pleasurable for natural effectiveness. We as humans have very few instincts based on biological engineering supposedly throughout many generations of what we call evolution. Thus s* is meaningless other than satisfying an animal craving, yet you call it wonderful. The way the bible explains it is that s* is a small gift, perhaps in order to help us live longer healthier lives, as well as relieve stress, yet it is abused and turned into a way of life. The same goes with alcohol, it is stimulation to the body because of chemical phenomena that takes place as you ingest it. It is no more wonderful than a bird taking a dump on your head. At least basing off the wonderful way you put it. But going back to twisting and distorting, we have done no such thing, and the words don't stick out saying " dear God i wanna do you so hard" that's only what they said to you. You have a pre twisted personality that made the lyrics sound that way the moment you heard them. Either that or you just wanted to have a different voice on the matter based on your idiotic principles. Try and see things my way and your way. I have seen things your way before, and I have found that there is a limit to this world by thinking that way. Yet you will never see the end of your craving for the norms of this world. The way you live you will only see that you will never have enough and your pathetic life will be over before you can satisfy your cravings. The people of Noah's time lived that way, and now they are neither here nor anywhere else for that matter. I have a place to go. A place not so great because it is infinite, but because it is not finite like your pointless reality. Do not tell me that I'm unlearned of my own religion, and do not call it a myth, then you would only make fun of your own kind. You will be a myth to the future.
- 0
I feel you on my fingertips. (most likely meaning that she can feel him. Sexual though? Nope bad example from jetman.) my tongue dances behind my lips for you (i can feel the words coming that I want to say, and I can say them all for you. Again, another bad example from jet man, you don't have to be having an o*m to make your tongue dance. Just talk for heavens sake or sing, or do whatever.) the fire rising through my being" and "and I begin to fade into our secret place (a secret place is only seen as a place for bow chicka wow to the person with a dirty mind. Why couldn't she just want to hide and be with the person who brings her comfort when things don't go her way?) and as for the anger from the old testament, what's wrong with that anger? Don't you realize what the flood was for? We were pretty screwed up, and the whole world was filled with corruption, I would say it's alright for God to be Po'd. And don't even try and say that life is precious and a God who destroyed it is unworthy of praise, people screwed up, and we're not perfect, and he didn't make us perfect because he wanted us to have a choice. Being a good person and a true christian means to take the punishments for our actions, even if it's death. And if you wanna know about kneeling to a God in heaven and how worshipping something other than yourself isn't bad, I want to ask where in the bible does it say that we will have all of the pleasures of this earth? I don't think the bible said anything about things like s* and alcohol or any other natural stimulation you can think of making it's way into heaven. Thus there is no need for natural feelings as nature is limited and s* and alcohol are only fun because our body makes them fun, otherwise they are only chemicals. Not wanting to bow down is a circumstance given by pride, there's no pride in heaven. Heaven is a place of knowledge, and infinite joy, the pleasures of heaven are unimaginable to people so limited as us.
+ 3
Wow people open up a little bit. Seriously they signed with a company that uses music videos for religious teaching in youth groups. This was the song they used. Do some research for the lord's sake. And as for the so called "ratty street clothes", christians have to open up if they want to reach all audiences, and besides jesus himself wore ratty clothes down here. And as for rolling around on the ground how is that a bad influence? We're children even if we're eighty years old as a christian, and all we are is a manipulated body. Our expressions through our body are only signs that we so desire to be rid of them and their natural manipulation on us. Don't be so typical, this is one of the best songs with some of the best christian morals I've yet heard, and I'm proud of it.
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