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"Jesus take the wheel, take it from my hands" is a very powerful command. At this point of the song, the woman has realized that she doesn't have the power to control what happens after getting into the car accident. She needs the power of God. By saying this powerful command she gives her whole spirit, body and mind to Jesus, allowing him to have full control of her life. “ Cause I can't do this on my own,” she is admitting this to Jesus that she needs his presence, his hold spirit to guide her out of this tragedy. She won’ t be able to get out of this accident without him. Forgiveness is never ending with the Lord all mighty, asking for his presence, his help, is all Jesus wants people to do. “ She bowed her head to pray,” releasing any doubt or anger, any emotion that she couldn’ t control, to Jesus. He than became in control. (Ms. Lee rocks my socks!)
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