0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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I looked up the lyrics because I love listening to this song on the radio and am disappointed as well at the glorification of sex instead of God. As far as the whole Gay issue and all the comments on here, you have the wrong idea of Christianity if you think God frowns on you for being gay. It couldn't be further from the truth. Everyone is born into sin because of Adam. Homosexuals and hetero. He made the wrong choice in a free will situation. Christ was sent to win the victory over our sin. He was the second Adam that won the prize for us so we wouldn't have to suffer the consequences. Information explosion is happening right now in the worldly sense as well as within the Christian realm. Satan tried to infiltrate mans bloodline from the very beginning because he knew the plan of a Savior. There are even references that Cain might have been half Satan. Humanity could be a lesson for the angelic realm basically showing them that they have it made with God and staying on the side of holiness. Ever heard of Nephilim? Look up Joseph Princes story of Noah. There is good reason God wiped out earths population. It had the seed of Satan to try to foil the line of Christ. YouTube it and accept Christ as your savior today. Don't get hung up on the gay issue. Churches are run by sinful men. No one is perfect except Christ and he was without sin FOR you. The battle has been won. you just have to accept Christs forgiveness and love and Victory over death! God loves you beyond your understanding if you are gay or straight. Research it and make him Lord of your life today.
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