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- -2
Men that beat the woman that they " love" don't really " love" them at all. All they are doing is trying to show you that they really don't care about you but hey know that you won't leave them because you have no one else to go to. If you are a woman in an abusive relationship you need to get out as fast as you can. Stay with a friend, your parents or something just get away from the guy. And that is my two cents. Good song by the way!
+ 4
To me means that carma is a bench and if you don't want to be cheated on then you don't be goin around cheatin. Cuz the only one that your cheating is yourself cause most likely the girl your cheating on is the best girl you have ever had! All guys should watch this video and listen to the song cause all she does is speak the truth! Guys should never lie cause we aren't stupid we will find out eventually!
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