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Maroon 5 – Maps
Mar 18, 2015
+ 4
This song is about the singer is in love with a girl but isn't loved back. He uses a lot of metaphors. When he says the roads lead back to you he means instead that the signs show that they were meant to be and he cant do anything about it. The theme is that if you love something but arnt loved back let it go, but if your loved back peruse it.
Maroon 5 – Maps
Mar 18, 2015
- 0
The map that leads to you

Oh oh oh, oh oh oh
Yeah yeah yeah
Ah ah ah

He's basically saying that signs lead him to loving her and that there is nothing he can do about his emotions towards loving her.
Maroon 5 – Maps
Mar 18, 2015
+ 1
for you, oh in your darkest night
Oh I was there for you, oh in your darkest time
Oh I was there for you, oh in your darkest night

But I wonder where were you?
When I was at my worst down on my
These lines say that he was there for this girl when times were rough or bad times and that he never left her.
Maroon 5 – Maps
Mar 18, 2015
- -1
for a song tonight
I'm changing
These lines are a metaphor comparing the songs to the thoughts of this girl. He's trying to find the memories with this girl so he could relive them again.
Maroon 5 – Maps
Mar 18, 2015
+ 1
Following, following, following to you
The map that leads to you, ain't nothing I can
These lines mean that all the signs lead back to him loving her. Hes saying that he's going to follow the signs to go back to her and try to get back together. When he says that there ain't nothing he can do he means he cant let her go and that he needs to try to get back together with her no matter what.
Maroon 5 – Maps
Mar 18, 2015
+ 2
at night
Hard to resist temptation
'Cause something strange has come over me
And now I can't get over you
No I just can't get over you

I was there for you, in your
The lines mean that when the singer is in his room at night he can hear her voice in his dreams and it makes him miss her and its making it hard to stop thinking about her. When he says, " something strange has come over me" means hes in lover with her and hes having a hard time getting over her. This as figurative language could be a metaphor because its comparing his thought to dreams.
Maroon 5 – Maps
Mar 16, 2015
- -1
for you, in your darkest times
I was there for you, in your darkest nights

But I wonder where were you?
When I was at my worst down on my knees
And you said you had my back
So I wonder where were you?
When all the roads
Hes explaining that he was there for this girl through her toughest times, day and night and he never left her side. And when he was at his worst she was no where to be found when he needed her. And when he wanted someone there to protect him, he didn't have her. The tone for this almost sounds like a mix of depressing and sad because she promised him all this and he did all this for him when she just stood him up.
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