0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


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Interesting theories that everyone has shared. The theme here is irony. Every line of the song displays it. Let's break this down a bit. [i]I've got a record player that was made in 2014.[/i] When you think record player, you probably aren't picturing modern day Taylor Swift or Justin Bieber. Record players were invented in 1877. They did, however, to the various music playing devices we've had since then. Then they made a bit of a come back over the last decade to where more modern artists are still releasing vinyl albums and record player's are being created again. The irony here being an old device that was recently made. [i]Died my hair blue, it came out a seasick sort of green.[/i] This line serves up a bit of alliteration and beat variation that makes it so interesting. Today's day and age, dyed hair is very common. Many people are aware that blue dye will turn green quickly if not done correctly. Or at least, it wouldn't be surprising to learn. Yet the irony here is that they bought blue dye and their hair came out green. That clearly isn't supposed to happen. [i]I like vintage dresses when they fall just below my knees. I pretend that I scraped them climbing in the trees.[/i] Very well-constructed lines. Hitting hard with the irony again, though it's clever enough to fly right over someone with an innocent head. ;) Think of the style back in the 50's. Dresses were pretty sun dresses with polka dots or a kerchief in the hair or around the neck. Eye makeup was toned down and contouring was hardly a thing so every woman had bold red or pink lips. Women were depicted as stay at home mothers and were all very sweet and innocent. It's another retro thing that made a big comeback over the last decade. Women back seldomly talked about or portrayed themselves as sexual deviants. Sexual promiscuity has become a lot more acceptable and common these days so the irony is in the fact that she's portraying this vintage lifestyle in the modern age. The rest of the song goes on to portray an individual who is conflicted with being too aware. They are fabricating a life that they think they want, yet are hesitant still for some reason. Psychologically profound lines especially in the second verse with, '[i]Please remind me who I'm supposed to be around you so you'll do what I want you to.[/i] A simpler mind would be trying to figure out who they have to be to keep this other person interested in them. This line is impressively deceitful just due to the way it's constructed. It doesn't sound like manipulation off first hand, but she's essentially saying she will continue to put out because she's getting something she wants out of it other than just sex; and he doesn't realize it. He has started to drift away though, so she said she loves him for the reason of, 'a change of pace.' Another manipulative tactic that suggests she's more interested in something he's offering her than any sort of relationship. But she's just a 50's housewife. There couldn't be anything up her sleeve, now could there?
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