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+ 6
When I first listened to this song, I thought it meant something along the lines of "guy's in a bar, sees this girl, know a bit about her, and really wants to talk to her." Then I watched the music video, and I fell in love even more with this song. While it may not entirely match up to the song, the music video is so touching. It's literally about a girl who is stuck in a abusive marraige, and eventually this guy (Sam) helps her get out, without even knowing her. Just.... So wonderful.
+ 4
Most people think that southerners are weird, but I feel like this illustrates the mindset perfectly. It's a fierce pride, spesifically of home. The red clay was a perfect example, as it is signiture to Georgia. The "dirt" around here is as natural as the pine trees, and yet it makes you feel a certain way. It is almost a part of who you are.
+ 4
This is a wish. Tired of the stress, and tired of all the weight of the world, Tyler wishes that he could be a little kid again, when his mom was always there to comfort him and sing him to sleep. Just taking guesses from the lyrics of different songs, such as this whole song, and also from We Don't Believe What's On TV, "I used to say I wanna die before I'm old", I would guess that Tyler and/or Josh has some form of gerascophobia, which is the fear of growing old. I certainly do, and this song speaks my thoughts.
+ 16
My name’s ‘Blurryface’ and I care what you think
The title of the album is "Blurryface". Blurryface is a character that Tyler and Josh made up, to sumbolize all of their insecurities. Blurryface is the part of them that they hate.
+ 8
This song... It's a different look at death. Yeah, it's horrible when someone dies overseas. Yeah, it's awful when someone loses the battle with cancer. But there is a beauty in their bravery, and we can respect that. This song is about respecting that. No one wants to die a coward's death, and Brantley speaks to that, as well as to the ones left behind when someone goes out fighting.
+ 4
Honest, there’s a few songs on this record that feel common,
I’m in constant confrontation with what I want and what is poppin'.
In the industry it seems to me that singles on the radio are currency,
My creativity’s only free when I’m playing
In order to sell, he has to write music that may or may not be what he wants to, because what he wants and what most people want are different.
+ 3
This says a lot about Twenty One Pilots as a band. They don't fit into any one genre, or "lane". they go where they want to. "There’s a few songs on this record that feel common I'm in constant confrontation with what I want and what is poppin' In the industry it seems to me that singles on the radio are currency My creativity’s only free when I’m playing shows" In order to sell, he has to write music that may or may not be what he wants to, because what he wants and what most people want are different.
+ 2
Michael Barnes has said that this song is about Soldiers. The people who leave for war, and sometimes never come back. It's written from the point of view of the left behind. The one who's left waiting for their love to come home. Sometimes, waiting forever. It's a very emotional song, not surprisingly. There is a lot of heartbreak involved in war. Just for me personally, it speaks to me so much. My best friend, and also my Prince Charming, will be leaving at some point soon, to start his career with the Marines. A lot of people I know have joined/will join/want to join the army. My friend's older brother left a few months ago, and we went to his going away party. His best friend, a wrestler, started crying while he was speaking, saying "I'm proud of you, and I know you have to go, but dang it, I don't want you to." That will be me, in not so long. The thought terrifies me. I don't want him to go. I want him to stay here. This song always made me feel sad before, but after I found out the meaning behind it, I can't listen to it the same again. It makes me sob every time I listen to it.
+ 2
(I shared this a few months ago, while I was not logged in, and so just wanted to again). I have been suicidal for years, since I was nine years old. Severe depression, mental disorders, addicting to cutting and general self destruction, you name it, I have it. Then just recently, my best friend has been going through some really though times, that has changed this sweet, funny, wonderful guy who always made everyone happy, into someone who hates the world, just wants to be alone, and who has started branding himself. Burning letters into his flesh. It kills me every time I think about it. He told me the other night to "stop being so offended and needy", and that he needs his space, at least for the time being. I am able to understand where he is coming from, but I'm still upset. And hurt. I have my "playlist" that I turn on when I want to escape the world (mainly, but not completely, consisting of Red, Breaking Benjamin, and Staind). "Lullaby" is one of the songs there. Generally I hate "happy, feel good music", but this one. This one just makes me cry. Because even though these people have never and never will meet me personally, or know who I am, this is me. I have been grasping at anything that will keep me alive. I needed a lullaby.
+ 4
Not only is this one of their best songs, it speaks so well. Yeah, everything they write speaks. But this one. I don't know. You know how most of their songs are saying that you shouldn't cut, you shouldn't self ham, you shouldn't kill yourself. And they as people are very outspoken about that as well. But with this one, it feels... Almost... I don't know. It says "yeah, you shouldn't cut, you shouldn't self harm, you shouldn't kill yourself. You're better than that. But, if you fail, and you do cut, that's okay. I'll be here for you, because you didn't do anything wrong." There is no judgement in this song. "I believe that we all fall down sometimes".
- 0
Breathe in, breathe out
Breathe in, breathe out
Breathe in, breathe out
Let your panic out

Let it out, let it out
Release the panic
Oh, release the panic
Get it out, get it out, get it out
Release the panic
Oh, release the panic
I personally have an anxiety disorder, and if you keep all of that panic inside, you will literally implode. You will cease to function. You need to let it out.
+ 1
You need the knife just to know that you can bleed
You need the pain now just to feel
When someone cuts themselves, it is likely not because they feel like they "need to be punished" or that they're "trying to die", most of the time, it is because they simply need to feel again. They have been cut off from the world, and making themselves bleed is the only way they know to make themselves feel human again.
- -1
So I lay my head back down
And I lift my hands
And pray to be only Yours
I pray to be only Yours
I know now You're my only hope
He has given up, he can't go on. He is terrified of what may come next. He knows that the only way that he can continue on is to beg God to help him.
- 0
Born for the blue skies
We'll survive the rain
Born for the sunrise
We'll survive the pain
We can always survive. We will not ever encounter something that we cannot beat. It is only when we feel alone that we give up. We can survive.
+ 4
Said I won't give up
Until I see the sun
"Said I won't give up until I see the sun" This is saying exactly that. I will not give up: I will not commit suicide. Until I see the sun: Until life gets better. Just keep holding on. The sun will come out, so don't give up on life.
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