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This song is sooo reall. It reminds me of my life. It rlly does. I live a life tht their tlkin bout. I got cops always ay me house. Fights always happenin. Lives bein taken from me for no reason. My dad was jus in tha hospital. He went flatline 6 times. Can you believe tht!?! He died 6 times. But he still aint dead. My gramma died. Nd I was real close to her nd I had reall close friends tht got shot nd s*t. So this song is tha s*t nd if there ne one dat don't lyk it den there sumtin wrong wit you.
+ 6
This song. Hmmm I was ridin wit my older bro in his car and this song came on and he turned it up so loud and started singin it. Then he started cryin cuz it reminded him too much bout his girlfriend but he still kept singin. It was sooo sad. This song is great wen ur tryin to get bak wit a girlfriend. Trust me it works. My boyfriend sent it to me and I started cryin cuz I realized that he did care bout me. Lol.
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